日期:2012-05-12 10:28


一、Listen and Think 先声夺人
Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders. There's nothing gossip girl, likes more than a surprise, And we hear Blair waldorf's, got a 2-for-1 special-- Her mom Eleanor, who just returned from Paris, And Serena van deer woodsen, brunch buddies. Serena van Der Woodsen
Serena: Hey! You're up.
Blair: Did we have plans?
Eleanor: Darling, it is impolite to interrupt. I was just telling Serena. That BENDEL’S is interested in carrying my line.
Blair: Really? Oh, that's fantastic! Why didn't you say something?
Eleanor: I came back from Paris early to put together my look book, And if they like what they see, It could be the beginning of an entire lifestyle collection.
Blair: Because more people, should be like you, mother.
Eleanor: Before you tuck into that, You find a low-fat yogurt, more appealing.

Gossip girl: 嘿,上东区的居民们。绯闻女友最喜欢意外惊喜了。我们听说Blair Waldorf有个二对一的约会。她妈妈Eleanor刚从巴黎回来。来和她共进早餐。
Serena: 嘿,你起床啦。
Blair: 我们有约吗?
Eleanor: 亲爱的,打断别人说话可是很不礼貌的。我在跟Serena说。BENDEL’S公司有意要接管我们。
Blair: 真的吗?太棒了! 你怎么不早告诉我?
Eleanor: 我提前从巴黎回来,就是为了整理服装造型册。要是他们喜欢,我崭新的时尚事业就要扬帆起航了。
Blair: 因为会有更多的人想跟你一样成功,妈妈。
Eleanor: 在你大吃面包之前,你会觉得低脂酸奶更美味的。

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二、Listen and Learn 内容透析
1. 句型:
There is nothing sb. like more than+n. 没有什么比…更让某人喜欢了,也就是说某人最喜欢…。句中的动词like可以改成其他词,意思也跟着改变。比如:There is nothing more important than understanding your business. 没有比真正理解你的生意更重要的事了。这样的表达比直接陈述I like … most是不是更高级呢?
2. 2-for-1 special: 买一送一的特价商品。当然您也可以直接说"buy one get one"。Sometimes ads also cheat consumers. For example, buy one get one free, when you buy a pair of pants, you just get a belt free. 有时候广告也在欺骗消费者啊,比如买一送一,买条裤子,买一送一可能送的就是腰带。
Interrupt: v. 中断,打断,插嘴。Eleanor说"I t is impolite to interrupt."确实如此,打扰别人的时候,不妨先礼貌地说一句"I hate to interrupt you, but…"
Carry my line: line在这里指的是"line of product",引申为接管。Is the distributor required to carry the full line of products? 分销商是否被要求开展整条产品线?另有短语carry on the family line表示传宗接代,比如:I was only one that could carry on the family line. 我是家里惟一的传宗接代的人。
Put together: 放在一起,整合,装备。Look book多用于服装行业,表示样式手册,设计册等等。
Tuck into: 大吃。比如:The dinner smelled so good that I couldn't wait to tuck into it.
Low-fat: 低脂肪的。给大家介绍一部分低脂肪食物:玉米(corn)、燕麦(oats)、枸杞(medlar)、海参(trepang/ sea cucumber)等等。Appealing指的是吸引人的,引起兴趣的。
可可地盘,英语学习者的乐园 Click here >>> http://dipan.kekenet.com/

  • interruptv. 打断,打扰,中止,中断 n. [计算机]中断
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐
  • cornn. 谷物,小麦,玉米 v. 形成(颗粒状),腌,(用谷
  • appealingadj. 引起兴趣的,动人的
  • gossipn. 流言蜚语,闲话,爱说长道短的人 vi. 散播(流言