日期:2012-04-06 08:14



Liz: Learning something about me? 在研究我吗?

Jeremy: There's something different about you. Or maybe it's me that's changed. 你有点不一样。又或者是我变了。

Liz: Where are the keys? You don't keep them anymore? 那些锁匙呢? 你不再保留了?

Jeremy: Been trying to give them back to their owners. Do you want yours? 我一直设法物归原主。你要你的吗?

Liz: No. I don't need them anymore. What about your keys? 不,我不再需要了。你那串呢?

Jeremy: I got rid of them. 我扔掉了。

(Good night, Jeremy. 晚安,谢洛米)

Jeremy: I'll see you tomorrow. 明天见。

Liz: You know I came here the night I left, but I didn't make it past the front door. I almost walked in but I knew that if I did I would just be the same old Elizabeth. I didn't want to be that person anymore. 我离开那晚有来过这里,但是没有走进门。差一点便进来,但如果我进来我就还是原来的伊莉莎白,我不想再当那个人了。

Jeremy: Hope you enjoy it. 希望你喜欢。

Liz: Are they still left untouched at the end of the night? 仍然是打烊都没人点吗?

Jeremy: Yep, more or less. 可以这么说。

Liz: Then why do you keep making them? 为什么还要做呢?

Jeremy: Well I always like having one around just in case you pop in and fancy a slice. Do you remember that last night you were here? When you practically ate an entire pie all by yourself? 我喜欢烘一个摆着,以备你随时出现想吃一块儿。记得你最后来的那一晚吗?几乎一个人吃掉整个派。

Liz: Really? I remember getting really drunk and having a god awful hangover the next day. 真的? 我记得我喝得很醉。第二天宿醉得厉害。

Jeremy: Nothing else? 不记得别的?

Liz: No, nothing else. Or don't you have a tape I can watch? 不记得。不是有监视录影带可看吗?

Jeremy: I do... but... I've watched it so many times that the picture started fading to black and white. And now it's completely unwatchable. 有是有,不过…我看了太多次,画面开始褪成黑白。现在已经完全不能看了。

Liz: Must have been an interesting night. 那一夜一定很有趣。

Jeremy: It was. Never seen a girl eat so much in all my life. 的确是。我这辈子没见过女子这么能吃。

Liz: Like this? 像这样吗?

Jeremy: No, it was more like this. 不,是这样。

Liz: It's good pie. 很好吃的派。

尽管依旧很少有人会点,Jeremy每天坚持为Liz拷一个蓝莓派。这样,Liz一旦pop in and fancy a slice, 他就可以随时提供了。Pop in, 偶尔到访;突然来访。再比如:We may pop in to see you next week. 我们下星期可能去看你们。

Fancy,也是口语中常用的表示喜欢的单词,例如:What do you fancy for dinner? 你晚饭想吃什么? I don't fancy walking in the rain. 我不喜欢在雨中行走。

在离开纽约前的最后一夜,Liz吃掉了整个蓝莓派,并喝的烂醉如泥,第二天have a god awful hangover。Hangover 有宿醉的意思。比如:I can not do my work with this hangover. 因为宿醉,我工作做不下去。

好了,到这里,一直无人问津的蓝莓派终于找到了能够欣赏它的人。一切就这样不刻意的,水到渠成。电影最后,Liz说It took me nearly a year to get here. It wasn't so hard to cross that street after all. It all depends on who's waiting for you on the other side. 我花了将近一年才来到这里,其实要过那条马路并不难,就看谁在对面等你。

  • slicen. 薄片,切片 vt. 切成薄片,削
  • fadingn. 褪色;衰退;凋谢 v. 使衰落(fade的ing形