日期:2012-04-04 10:18



Leslie: Beth, I can't give you the car. 贝丝,这部车不能给你。

Liz: Why? 为什么?

Leslie: Because the car… the car belonged to my father. Look, he won big one day in a Hold'em game at the Riviera, and went out and bought the next day. It was his pride and joy. Till one day I stole his keys, and an hour later I stole his car. I don't know why I did it. Maybe I just wanted to see what he would do, you know? Was he gonna report it? Get his daughter arrested? He did something better than that. He waited until he found out where I wound up. One morning a FedEx guy comes with an envelope for me. Inside the envelope's the title and registration of the car. Son of a bitch signed it over to me. So I'm gonna drive this car until it falls apart. At least until I do. 因为这部车…是我爸爸的。他有一次在里维耶拉大赢特赢,第二天就买了这部车。他引以为傲的车。后来我偷了锁匙,跟着偷了车我也不明白为什么这么做,也许我只是想看看他的反应。他会不会报警捉他的女儿呢? 他做得更漂亮。等他查到我的下落,有天早上,我收到一份速递文件。里面是车辆授权书和登记证。那混蛋把车转了给我。所以…这部车我要开到它破烂为止。起码开到我死。

Liz: So what am I supposed to? 那我怎么办?

Leslie: Well, Beth, I told you I lost everything back at Harlan's, didn't I? 这个嘛,我说我输清光,对吧?

Liz: Yeah. 对。

Leslie: Well, that's not exactly how it went down. See, I beat that game on its ass, Beth. I knocked them off their feet. The cards turned just like I knew they would. I read the other players just right. I walked away with all their money. 其实与事实有点出入。那场赌局我大获全胜,把他们打得落花流水。牌开得跟我预料的一样。我完全看准我的对手。我把他们的钱都赢光了。

Liz: So you lied to me. 那么你骗了我。

Leslie: Maybe I didn't want to share. Maybe I just wanted to see how trusting and gullible you were. Maybe I just wanted company. You know? It's a long ride, Beth. I didn't want to go alone. 或者我不想分给你。或者我想看你多易信人、多易上当受骗。或者我只是想找个伴。路程很长,贝丝。我不想一个人走。

明明爱着父亲,却一定要以对抗的方式相处,留下的却是遗憾。父亲交会了Leslie不要信任任何人,Leslie做到了。可是不信任别人自己就会幸福吗?正是看到了Leslie的经历,让Liz有了这样的感慨:Sometimes we depend on other people as a mirror, to define us and tell us who we are. And each reflection makes me like myself a little more. 有时,我们以他人做镜子来介定自我,认识自我。每个反影都令我喜欢自己多一点。虽然信任可能会带来伤害,但相较于从不信任别人的冷漠和孤单相比,Liz更喜欢自己的傻气。

对话中的两个短语:beat on one’s ass和knock off one’s feet. 前者表示击败;给某人颜色看看;后者也有打败;打到的意思。两个习语都非常常用。


  • definev. 定义,解释,限定,规定
  • reflectionn. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响
  • priden. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心 vt. 以 .
  • gullibleadj. 易受骗的,轻信的
  • beatv. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动 n. 敲打,拍子,心跳
  • trustingadj. 信任的;轻信的 v. 信赖(trust的ing
  • envelopen. 信封,封皮,壳层