Mira Sorvino has been cast as the lead on Trooper, a Jerry Bruckheimer-produced pilot for CBS, Bruckheimer announced on Twitter this evening. The show is about a no-nonsense mom who becomes a New York state trooper, which is only marginally better than a show about an all-nonsense trooper who becomes a mom. (Blooper? We're just spitballing.) It's Sorvino's first show and Bruckheimer's, oh, 9,000th? Time to enroll in a frequent producer program so you can earn loyalty points every time you produce a procedural, Jerry.
米拉·索维诺(Mira Sorvino)将正式回归主流影视前线,出演金牌制作人杰瑞·布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer)的CBS新剧《伞兵》。
在这个华纳电视部制作的项目里Sorvino将扮演一名普通的母亲,后来通过机缘巧合转变为纽约州伞兵。曾撰写过《超能英雄》的艾伦·伊莱·考雷特(Aron Eli Coleite)将负责首播集的剧本同时和Bruckheimer、乔纳森·利特曼(Jonathan Littman)一起出任执行制片人,克里斯蒂安·瑞德(KristieAnne Reed)会担任联合制片人,克雷格·吉勒斯佩(Craig Gillsepie)将导演首播集。
对于这位因出演伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)的《非强力春药》而荣获奥斯卡最佳女配角奖的女演员,中国观众可能印象更多是和周润发合作的《替身杀手》。虽然这些年一直在演出电影和客串剧集但始终离好莱坞主流有距离,这次能挑大梁出演收视非常有保证的电视网和制作人的剧集无疑对其事业是一次难得良机,祝米拉顺利。