日期:2012-03-06 11:25


28 WEEKS LATER scripter Rowan Joffe is set to adapt an intriguing tale of memory loss, with Nicole Kidman now on board.
Screen Daily reports that Kidman is in talks to join the production, based on S.J. Watson's novel of the same name, about a woman suffering from an affliction which prevents her from creating new memories. Her neurologist guides her toward an old journal, prompting more questions than answers.
Here's the full synopsis: "Christine wakes up every morning in an unfamiliar bed with an unfamiliar man. She looks in the mirror and sees an unfamiliar, middle- aged face. And every morning, the man she has woken up with must explain that he is Ben, he is her husband, she is forty-seven years old, and a terrible accident two decades earlier decimated her ability to form new memories."
"But it’s the phone call from a Dr. Nash, a neurologist who claims to be working with Christine without her husband’s knowledge, that directs her to her journal, hidden in the back of her closet. For the past few weeks, Christine has been recording her daily activities—tearful mornings with Ben, sessions with Dr. Nash, flashes of scenes from her former life—and rereading past entries, relearning the facts of her life as retold by the husband she is completely dependent upon. As the entries build up, Christine asks many questions. What was life like before the accident? Why did she and Ben never have a child? What has happened to Christine’s best friend? And what exactly was the horrific accident that caused such a profound loss of memory?"
"Every day, Christine must begin again the reconstruction of her past. And the closer she gets to the truth, the more unbelievable it seems."
Joffe, who's already proven himself an adept writer (the aforementioned excellent sequel 28 WEEKS LATER, THE AMERICAN), recently made his feature debut with another adaptation, that of Graham Greene's famous BRIGHTON ROCK. ROCK, while missing some beats, was still an assured and absolutely gorgeous retelling of the tale. Thus, looking forward to this for sure.

妮可·基德曼在2011年没有什么好作品,2012年她会出演的电影包括《送报男孩》、《斯托克》以及HBO台的电视电影《战地烽火情》。现在有消息称,她还会出演一部叫《在我入睡前》(Before I Go to Sleep)的影片,剧本作者是《28周后》和《美国人》的编剧罗温·乔夫。
《在我入睡前》的剧本是根据S.J. Watson的畅销心理惊悚小说改编的,故事是关于一个女人20年前遭遇了神秘的事故,结果患上健忘症,每天早上起来都对之前的自己毫无记忆。她试着用记日记的形式来写下一些残缺的回忆,结果慢慢发现她的丈夫Ben非常可疑。

  • reconstructionn. 复兴,改造,再建
  • adeptadj. 熟练的,老练的 n. 名手,专家
  • debutn. 初次登场,首次露面 v. 初次登场
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • adaptvt. 使适应,改编 vi. 适应,适合
  • adaptationn. 改编,改编成的作品,适应
  • recordingn. 录音 动词record的现在分词
  • dependentadj. 依靠的,依赖的,从属的 n. 受援助者
  • afflictionn. 痛苦,苦恼,苦难
  • intriguingadj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通