Die Hard 5 will be titled A Good Day to Die Hard,Shooting begins in January 2012 .
Remember how the first one took place during Christmas time? Now this one’s coming out for Valentine’s Day! That should be an interesting first date…or just a way to spend time on the single awareness day. But I’m just glad this is coming out
The story is set in Russia and begins with John McClane heading to Moscow to sweet talk some cops into letting his apparently-wayward son out of jail for something he did, but when he gets there, things surrounding his son’s arrest are not as they appear and world-threatening terrorist hijinks ensue.
McClane, Jr. has yet to be cast.
They still don’t know if it will be rated PG-13 or R.
The John McClane Jr news gives me flashbacks of Shia LaBeouf as Mutt Williams in Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Lets hope it turns out better than that franchise addition. Thanks to /Film readers Cory D and Curry P for the details. And here is the information which has been
reported previously:
John Moore (Max Payne, The Omen, Behind Enemy Lines) was chosen by Willis to direct.
Skip Woods (Swordfish, Hitman, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, A-Team) wrote the screenplay.
Bruce Willis has said that it would have to expand in scope and go worldwide. Willis has said that the series needs to expand in scope. The original film had John McClane trapped in a building, in Die Harder he was trapped in an airport,Die Hard With a Vengeance expanded the scope to New York City and Live Free or Die Hard expanded the threat to the United States. So as you might have guessed it, Willis says the fifth film would have to go further: Well it’s got to go worldwide.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead has recently said that she doesn’t expect to return for Die Hard 5 as John’s daughter Lucy Gennaro McClane.
Die Hard 2013 is coming !
《虎胆龙威5》自确定开拍以来,前期的筹备工作就一直备受关注。在这部电影中,主演布鲁斯·威利斯要再度上演营救行动,而这次被救的对象则由上一部中的女儿换成了儿子,这一角色将由谁出演也成了影片目前最大的悬念。之前有消息称,《虎胆龙威5》的导演约翰·摩尔宣称将在以下四人中选择:利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯、詹姆斯·贝吉·戴尔、D.J. 科特罗纳(D.J. Cotrona)以及亚伦·保尔。结果最后拿到这个角色的却是美剧《斯巴达克斯:复仇》中名不见经传的演员Jai Courtney!
《虎胆龙威5》的剧本出自《天龙特攻队》、《金刚狼》、《剑鱼行动》的编剧斯基普·伍兹(Skip Woods)之手,在这集的故事中布鲁斯·威利斯将奔赴俄罗斯对抗恐怖分子,解救自己的儿子。在第一部《虎胆龙威》中,威利斯的儿子由童星诺亚·兰德(Noah Land)饰演,但在最新的《虎胆龙威4》中,儿子这一角色没有出现,只出现了长大成人的女儿,由玛丽·伊丽莎白·文斯蒂德饰演。