The Lost Ark will finally be resurrected in High Definition!
Fans of the original "Indiana Jones" films consider it something of a crime that the only film starring the swashbuckling archaeologist that is available on Blu-ray is the lackluster "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," a phony artifact next to the treasures of the "Raiders" and its sequels.
Today Paramount announced that they will release the original trilogy (along with the Indy revival "Kingdom") in "The Complete Indiana Jones Blu-ray Collection."
Details are unavailable at this point, but Paramount promises that the collection will include "a best of collection of documentaries, interviews, featurettes and a few new surprises." This is a release from Lucasfilm and Paramount, so let's keep our fingers crossed that Lucas doesn't decide to CGI in some new effects. (One assumes that director Spielberg will hold the line here.)
The set is slated for a Fall 2012 release, poised for maximum sales in the holiday season.
四年一遇的2月29日可谓稀有,好莱坞众片商显然也不会放过如此特殊的日子,迪士尼前脚推出震撼人心的《复仇者联盟》全新预告,派拉蒙岂能落后,他们随即便与乔治·卢卡斯共同宣布,将于今秋发售《夺宝奇兵》四部曲的蓝光套装(The Complete Indiana Jones Blu-ray Collection),而蓝光发售预告片也一同曝光。
作为这一经典动作冒险系列的掌舵手,导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格的另一经典系列——《侏罗纪公园》三部曲已于去年率先推出了蓝光套装,而如今《夺宝奇兵》 蓝光套装的发售也将再度令影迷们欢呼不已。需要特别指出的是,在出席去年《夺宝奇兵》30周年纪念活动时,斯皮尔伯格曾特别强调,蓝光版将百分百再现影片的原始面貌,不会对画面做任何数字修复。