日期:2011-10-26 10:37


看电影,学口语,品人生。欢迎跟随Rose一起,继续关注职场新鲜人的起伏人生。电影《毕业生生存指南》中,优等生Ryden 满怀期待的迎接新生活。然而,生活不可能完全按照任何一个人画好的轨迹行进。无奈的Ryden在四处碰壁又身无分文的状况下不得已回到了父母身边。然而,挫折是最好的老师,只要你足够坚强,肯睁开眼睛在挫折中多看清自己一分,并抬起头寻找新的机遇,生活总会以其他的方式,给予你新的希望。电影中,Ryden在和家人一起协助弟弟赢得比赛之后,突然意识到曾被自己忽视的那份感情有多重要。于是,在她做出离家寻找真爱的决定后,有了下面她和父亲的一段对话。一起来听。

Father: Sure you don't wanna get a little shut-eye and see how you feel in the morning?
Ryden: Nope. Just out of curiosity though, do you think I'm making the right decision?
Father: Well, you know, ever since you were a little kid...you always seemed to have it figured out.
You know, you made good grades, you...
kept your room neat and clean, you ate your vegetables.
Can I be honest with you?
I always found it a little troubling.
Because, see, hon...the world's a screwy place. It doesn't play by the rules.
So if you're asking me...do I think it's a good idea for you to, uh...quit your job...leave behind the only family you have...and travel 3,000 miles...to a place you've never been before?
I think it's the most kick-ass idea you've ever had.
'Cause I think no matter where you are, you're gonna knock 'em dead.
Ryden: Thanks, Dad.


1. Get a little shut-eye. Shut, 关,比如,shut the door 关门。Shut-eye 闭上眼睛,也就是“休息”的意思。Get a little shut eye, 等于have a rest 休息一会儿。

2. Out of curiosity, 或者out of one's curiosity意思是“出于好奇”。Just out of curiosity, 仅仅出于好奇心,后面可以接任何你想要问的问题。比如,Just out of curiosity, why did you quit the job? 就是比较好奇你为什么辞了那份工作呢?

3. 来看figure...out 如何应用。查看口语语料库后您会发现figure out的相关词条很丰富,可见它的使用频率还是很高的。Figure out 意思是“理解,搞清楚,想明白”。我们来看下面几个例子。
I can't figure him out. 我看不透他。我无法理解他。
They're trying to figure out what's going on, and what they're going to grow into. 他们正在努力弄明白目前的情况,同时想清楚他们想要成长为什么样的人。
Time was lost as I tried to figure out whether to dial 999, or 9 for an outside line then 999. 在我努力想弄清楚是拨打999,还是先拨9接通外线后再按999的时候,时间被错失了。

4. Ryden从小到大一帆风顺,一切都做的无可挑剔,可是在父亲眼中,这样的生活反而存在隐患。因为这个世界是很screwy,古怪,怪诞的。It doesn't play by the rules. 它不遵守游戏规则。Play by the rules 自然就是“遵守规则”的意思。我们再看一个例句。I always play by the rules and it stinks! 我总是循规蹈矩,这简直让我受不了了。

5. 最后再来看一下Knock'em dead的用法。这是一个非正式,只在口语中使用的表达法,可以用于表示“做得好、搞定、迎刃而解”,也就是perform very well。对话中,父亲对Ryden说:“I think no matter where you are, you're gonna knock 'em dead.” 我认为你不管到哪儿,都能做得很好。这个短语还有一个意思是look so attractive that other people admire a lot, “非常有魅力,能够迷住了所有人”。比如下面这个例句:You'll knock them dead at the party tonight in your new black dress! 今天晚上,你穿那件黑色礼服一定会迷死大家的。

OK, 今天我们的光影之旅就到这里,下一期我们另外一位职场新鲜人将粉墨登场,为我们演绎初出茅庐的几许期待,几许无奈。我们下期再见。

Father: Sure you don't wanna get a little shut-eye and see how you feel in the morning? 你确定不要休息休息,明天早上再考虑考虑吗?
Ryden: Nope. Just out of curiosity though, do you think I'm making the right decision? 不用了。仅仅是出于好奇,您觉得我的选择正确吗?
Father: Well, you know, ever since you were a little kid... you always seemed to have it figured out. 嗯,你知道,当你还是个孩子的时候... 你就把自己的生活安排得很好。
You know, you made good grades, you... 你知道,你有好成绩,你...
kept your room neat and clean, you ate your vegetables. 把房间打扫的干净整齐, 你也乖乖地吃蔬菜。
Can I be honest with you? I always found it a little troubling. 我可以说点心里话吧?我总觉得这样反倒有点不对劲儿。
Because, see, hon...the world's a screwy place. It doesn't play by the rules. 因为,宝贝,这个世界是个很奇怪的地方。并没有什么游戏规则。
So if you're asking me...do I think it's a good idea for you to, uh...quit your job...leave behind the only family you have...and travel 3,000 miles...to a place you've never been before? 所以如果你问我... 辞了职... 离开你唯一的家... 并且去3000里以外的... 你从没有去过的地方是否是个好主意?呃...
I think it's the most kick-ass idea you've ever had. 'Cause I think no matter where you are, you're gonna knock 'em dead. 我觉得这是你最牛的决定。因为我觉得无论你在哪儿,你都能活得精彩
Ryden: Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,老爸。

  • curiosityn. 好奇,好奇心
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • performv. 执行,运转,举行,表演
  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的