日期:2011-10-19 10:47



● 人纵有万般能耐,终也敌不过天命。
No matter how resourceful you are, you can't fight fate.

● 虞姬最后一次为霸王斟酒,最后一次为霸王舞剑,而后拔剑自刎,从一而终。
For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King, and danced for him with a sword, and cut her throat with it, faithful to the King unto death.

● 程蝶衣:说的是一辈子,差一年,差一个月,差一个时辰,都不是一辈子!
I'm talking about a lifetime. One year one month one day even one second's less makes it less than a lifetime.

● 段小楼:你真是不疯魔不成活。戏得疯魔不假,可要是活着也疯魔,在这人世上,在这凡人堆里,咱们可怎么活哟!
You are really obsessed. Your obsession with the stage carries over into your everyday life. But how are we going to get through the days and make it in the real world among ordinary people?

● 这虞姬她怎么演,也得有一死。
The concubine has to die one way or the other.

● 程蝶衣:连楚霸王都跪下来求饶了,京戏能不亡吗?
But now even the King of Chu is on his knees begging for mercy, can Peking opera survive this indignity?

  • obsessedadj. 着迷的
  • operan. 歌剧 n. 挪威Opera软件公司的浏览器软件
  • indignityn. 侮辱,轻蔑
  • mercyn. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠 adj. 仁慈的,宽
  • resourcefuladj. 资源丰富的,足智多谋的
  • obsessionn. 困扰,沉迷,着魔,妄想
  • survivevt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过 vi.
  • faithfuladj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的
  • swordn. 剑,刀