日期:2011-08-31 16:54


More information has spilled out regarding tomorrow night's midseason finale of Pretty Little Liars.


In a general, intriguing tease, creator Marlene King tells TV Guide: "Viewers will feel they're getting insight into the night Alison disappeared and who killed Alison."

总的来说,“观众们将会更深一步的了解到艾莉森(Alison)失踪当晚发生了什么事,又是谁将她杀害了。” 该剧制片人马琳•金(Marlene King)在接受TV Guide采访时笑着说。

And they'll get that insight int a unique fashion: the episode begins at the end, with the girls inside a police station interrogation room. We'll then be taken back over the events that landed them there.


Among other tidbits relayed by King:


Caleb will return (you'll see him and Hanna "happy for awhile," King says), as will Officer Darren Wilden, who is teased in this clip. "He regains credibility on the Rosewood police force in the finale," King previews."

• 凯勒将会回归(他和汉娜将会有“片刻幸福时光”,金透漏说),回归的还有在这段片花中被取笑的达伦•尔顿警官(Officer Darren Wilden),“在最后一集中他回到了玫瑰镇警察局”金预告说。

What happened to Dr. Sullivan? Nothing good, King warns: "Spencer's line about the last time somebody thought she knew A she got hit by a car is very telling."

• 沙利文医生遭遇了什么事?当然不会太好,金提醒道“上一次当斯宾塞(Spencer)被认为知道了A的身份即遭遇撞车,就能充分说明这一点。”

Hanna's dad will get hitched...

• 汉娜的爸爸要结婚了……

... and A will play a role in the marriage? Teasing the concept of A as a "frenemy," King says: "The last thing Hanna wants is her dad to marry Isabel and in a very odd twist of fate, A may help her with that."

• ……A会在婚礼中扮演什么角色呢?将A戏称为“亦敌亦友”的金说道“汉娜最不愿意看到的就是他爸爸与伊莎贝尔(Isabel)结婚,在一个意想不到的转折后,A将帮她如愿以偿。”

  • twistv. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲 n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,拧
  • conceptn. 概念,观念
  • interrogationn. 审问,问号
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的
  • teasen. 揶揄者,戏弄 v. 欺负,嘲弄
  • credibilityn. 可信,确实性,可靠
  • clipn. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹 n. 修剪,(羊毛的)剪下
  • insightn. 洞察力
  • intriguingadj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通
  • episoden. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事