《绯闻女孩》Gossip Girls经典台词汇集(下)
日期:2011-08-12 16:24


Serena has really interesting sensitve style because this urban bohimian style, it's a little sexy and rebellious

Blair is much more meticulous in her choices

Janney has 2 sides in her characters, she has too downtown and home kind look, but thing you know she has her upper east siders " i'm dressing up, i'm going to see blair" look
珍妮有两种不同的性格, 她有低调 居家的样子, 也有华丽优雅的准备好去见Blair的样子

Eric and I were really hard to come up with that balance of that character,so it's like, it's still what she wear, but she adds this to make it more blair
我和Eric很难在人物个性上寻求平衡点, 就像是,她还是得穿这些衣服,但是又加进了一些新的元素,让她看上去更像Blair的风格

I hate when you ask me what my favourate outfit is. it's so unfair to choose, like choosing a favourate child
真不想被问到我最喜欢哪套衣服, 要选哪套好像都不行,太难选了,就像要挑选一个最爱的孩子

spoken like a true relic.

your mom has always been a free spirit, that's one of the reasons i fell for her in the first place.

i meant with the fliers

luckily, staple guns are old school

why didn't you save me any?

Do you like this skirt on me?

mom's gone, and dad's allergic to department stores.
老妈不在,老爸又不喜欢逛百货商店。(allergic 过敏,用在这里很有点味道哈~~对商场过敏)

that dress would look even better in black.

talk to chuck, buddy.

do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? that we are just gonna end up like our parents?
你难道不觉得我们整个人生就像是被策划好了的, 我们最后只不过走父母的老路?

man that's a dark thought.

she got an eye lift. 双眼皮?提眼角?that's a problem

i just want things to go back to the way it used to be...you know, walking to school together, dancing on tables at bungalow, night swimming at your mom's country house.
我只是希望我们能回到从前, 一起去上学,一起在平房里的桌上跳舞,晚上在你妈妈乡村别墅的泳池里游泳

you missed some classic eleanor waldorf meltdowns. if it wasn't such a tragedy, it would've been funny. actually, it kind of was.
你错过了埃莉诺 霍道夫几场经典的抓狂戏。如果不是那么悲惨的话,应该会很有意思. 其实,是有点搞笑。

well, i don't want to keep you, but, um...

spotted at the palace hotel, S and B have a heart-to-heart

this party is about excess, stop talking, start partying.

you have got to be kidding
别再说 you must be kidding了吧,换换表达

he's a very obsessive kind of person,if he want something he will take it.
他是个非常自我中心的人, 想要什么就会设法得到

everyone outs there wanna to be us, we are what you aspire to, not run away from

serena's return may have thrown Blair and Nate out of blue, but their happiness was definately not the first thing on her mind. Nothing brings family together like tragedy. And serena's family narrowly avoid the tragedy of very west kind. maybe you need a time out from your friends

there's plenty more exclusive never before scene of these without never being came from, stay tuned for more gossip girl revealed
还有很多从未揭露的片段, 别转台哟,接下来会更精彩

i love you, always have always will

serena represents a certain freedom i think for nate, something he wants to possess

there's nothing wrong to keep this secret if its truth will hurt someone

you don't give up just because things are hard, not in business, or if your family is depending on you.

no need to rehash details of decades past.

not all of us have settlements from multiple divorces to sustain us.

just stay out of my life, rufus.

dad, you could just tell me i look nice instead of turning this into a sermon on the passage of time.

this one is not as elegant a choice as that one.

Blair, you will never be more beautiful or thin or happy than you are right now. i just want you to make the most of it.

that's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me

she is always trying to get approval and love from people around her

don't bother saying anything, i wouldn't believe you anyway
什么都别说了, 反正我也不会信

blair, how can i fix this?

you don't, serena. you just stay away from me, my boyfriend, and my friends. you are done here.

i think inherently she's a good person and she's good in intention, but you don't really know what you love

we will be back with more gossip girl reveal right after this
请继续收看gossip girl幕后揭秘

Serena was the "it" girl, but she just disappeared and doesn't tell her best friend,doesn't tell any other friends. She left because she ended up hooking up with her best friend's boyfriend and now she's coming back
Serena曾经是个"风云人物",但她就这么消失了,没告诉她最好的朋友, 也没告诉其他的朋友。她离开是因为她和自己最好的朋友的男朋友有了暧昧, 现在她又回来了。

so you're a groupie?
groupie, 这个词,口语里面可以替代fan来用,fans已经过时了嘿嘿

well, not quite.

i may have slightly overbudgeted for travel time

what'd you thing you wanna talk about?
how into you I am.

but you asked me out on a date, and you didn't think I was nice?

so, um, sensitive, tortured soul boy is actually kinda superficial, huh?
敏感,心灵受伤的小男孩, 其实是有点儿肤浅,是么?

if it's Chuck, it's not OK.

hey your life is over, slut! Don't forget, I know everything!

she'd better not show her face again.

I'm actually hoping she will.

spotted--serena making a heroic exit from B.'s party. too bad for her there's school on Monday. so until next time. you know you love me, gossip girl.
i think he is her real love, and if it wasn't about money or class, she would be with him in a second, they would be great together
他是她的真爱,如果不是金钱和阶层的原因,她一定会立刻和他在一起, 他们在一起一定会很幸福

knowledge of romance

claim you life this time, live it the way you want to live

are you literally not to talk with me?

a blow line, a missed mark,

even the best night must come to an end. i certainly hope you enjoy gossip girl revealed as much as we have
再美好的夜晚也终会过去. 衷心希望你能像我们一样喜欢gossip girl幕后的故事

gossip girl is a tunnel fun to make, and we are all enjoying to be part of such a fantastic show
gossip girl其乐无穷, 我们也很高兴能参与这样精彩的剧集

  • possessvt. 持有,支配
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • botherv. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心 n. 烦扰,麻烦,焦急
  • relicn. 神圣的遗物,遗迹,纪念物
  • revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • sermonn. 布道,说教
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • gossipn. 流言蜚语,闲话,爱说长道短的人 vi. 散播(流言
  • heroicadj. 英雄的,英勇的,巨大的