Avatar 《阿凡达》精讲之一
日期:2010-03-05 17:11





Jake: Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called Avatars.And they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives.

Doctor: Hey, welcome. Welcome to Pandora, good to have you.

Jake: Damn, they got big.

Norm: Yeah. They fully mature on the flight out. So the progress up the stim seem to work really well.

Doctor: Yeah, they got great muscle tone. It'll take us a few hours to get them prepared, but you can take them out tomorrow. There's yours.

Norm: Doctor, Norm Spellman.

Doctor: Pleasure to meet you.

Jake: Looks like him.

Norm: Looks like you. This is your Avatar now, Jake.

Jake: The concept is that every driver is matched to his own Avatar. So that their nervous system are in tune. Or something...Which is why they offered me the gig, because I can link with Tommy's Avatar., which is insanely expensive. Is this right? I just say whatever to the video log? Norm: Yeah, we gotta get the habit of documenting everything. What we see, what we feel, it's all part of the science.

Doctor: And good science is good observation.

Norm: Plus it'll help keep you sane for the next 6 years.

Jake: Whatever. So uh,...Here I am. Doing science.

Doctor: They're coming out.

Woman on broadcast: Attention, drivers coming out of the lane.

Grace: Oh God.

Assistant: Where's the lab coat? Where's her lab coat?

Grace: Who's got my goddamn cigarette!? Guys, what's wrong with this picture? Thank you!

Norm: Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar program. She wrote the book. I mean literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany.

Doctor: That's because she likes plants better than people.

Norm: Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and Jake Sully.

Grace: Norm, I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?

Norm: May the Great Mother rejoice our meeting.

Grace: Not bad. You still sound a bit too formal though.

Norm: I've studied for 5 years, but I still have much to learn.

Doctor: Grace, this is Jake Sully.

Grace: Yeah yeah, I know who you are and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know, the PHD who trained for three years for this mission...

Jake: He's dead. I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone.

Grace: How much lab training have you had?

Jake: I dissected a frog once.

Grace: You see? They're just pissing on us with out even a courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge.

Doctor: No Grace!

Grace: No man, this is such bullshit! I'm gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in my department.

Doctor: Here tomorrow, 08:00. Try and use big words.

Woman: Scorpion 2 Hotel, Hell's Gate Tower. You are cleared for South departure...

Parker: Did you see that? No you didn't, you were looking at the monitor. I love this putter Ronnie.

Grace: Parker...I used to think it was benign neglect, but now I see that you're intentionally screwing me.

Parker: Grace, I enjoy our little talks...

Grace: I need a researcher, not some jar-head drop out.

Parker: Well, actually, I thought we got lucky with him.

Grace: Lucky?

Parker: Yeah.

Grace: How is this in any way 'lucky'?

Parker: Lucky your guy had a twin brother. And lucky that brother wasn't some oral hygienist or something. A Marine we could use. I'm assigning him to your team as security escort.

Grace: The last thing I need is another trigger-happy moron out there.

Parker: Look, you're supposed to be winning the hearts and the minds of the natives, isn't that the whole point of your little puppet show? You look like them, you talk like them and they'll start trusting us. We build them a school, we teach them English...But after how many years relations with the indigenous are only getting worse.

Grace: That tends to happen when you use machine guns on them.

Parker: Right, come here. This is why we're here, Unobtanium. Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo. That's the only reason. It's what pays for the whole party. It's what pays for your science. ¿Comprendo? Now, those savages are threatening our whole operation. We're on the brink of war and you're supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution. So use what you've got and get me some results.


1. muscle tone: 肌肉张力。

2. in tune: 和谐,协调。

例如: The curtain is not in tune with the atmosphere of the room.(窗帘同房间的气氛不协调。)

此外,in tune还可以表示唱歌不走调, 例如:You're not singing in tune.(你唱走调了。)

3. video log: 视频日志。

4. Great Mother: 母神,万物之母。

5. dissect: 解剖。

此外,dissect还可以表示“详细分析”,例如:Commentators are still dissecting the election results. (评论家仍然在剖析此次选举的结果。)

6. piss on: 亵渎,故意表示不敬。

7. stick one’s nose in: 牵涉在内,干预。

例如:Mary is always ready to stick her nose into somebody else's business.(玛丽总是打听别人的事情。)

此外,poke one’s nose into也可以表示“管闲事”,例如:Don't poke your nose into my affairs(请不要干预我的事。)

8. big words: 大话,夸张之词。例如:His big words were never backed by deeds.(他的豪言从未见之于行动。)

9. putter:(高尔夫运动)推杆,轻击球杆。

10.benign neglect:善意的忽视。(故意不正视问题,希望问题会自然消失)

11.screw: 使烦恼得不能正常生活;使神经不正常。

此外,我们还常用screw up来表示“搞糟;搅乱;弄坏”。例如:Don't ask them to organize the trip, they'll only screw everything up.(别让她们组织此行,他们准得把一切都搞糟了。)

12.jar-head: 锅盖头,美国海军陆战队的发型。在这里指Jake原来是一个海军陆战队员。

13.drop out: 退学,退伍。这里是说Jake是个退伍士兵。

14.trigger-happy: 好战的。

例如:Thank goodness the new premier is not as trigger-happy as his predecessor.(谢天谢地,新总理不像他的前任那样好战。)

15.moron: 笨蛋,蠢货。例如:He's an absolute moron!(他纯粹是个傻子!)

16.puppet show: 木偶剧。

例如:The children staged an entertaining puppet show.(孩子们表演了一场十分有趣的木偶戏。)

  • indigenousadj. 本地的,土生土长的,天生的
  • intentionallyadv. 有意地,故意地
  • gracen. 优美,优雅,恩惠 vt. 使荣耀,使优美
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • controlledadj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;
  • rejoicev. 使 ... 欢喜,高兴
  • observationn. 观察,观察力,评论 adj. 被设计用来观察的
  • trustingadj. 信任的;轻信的 v. 信赖(trust的ing
  • organizev. 组织
  • sullyv. 玷污,弄脏 n. 污点,脏污