Jeff Bridges - Crazy Heart Jeff Bridges-《疯狂的心》
Bridges is favourite to finally land the Oscar on his fifth attempt. The 60-year-old is considered one of the best actors never to win an Academy Award. He was nominated for The Contender (2001), Starman (1985), Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1975), and The Last Picture Show (1972), and his role as The Dude in The Big Lebowski has become a cult classic.
Jeff Bridges很有希望在第五次努力中最终获得奥斯卡奖,六十岁的他被认为是此次学院奖的最佳男主角之一。2001年他因《拳王争霸赛》提名;1985年是《星际访客》,1975年《霹雳炮与飞毛腿》,1972年《最后一场电影》。在《谋杀绿脚趾》一片中的无业游民一角使他成为黑色电影的经典。
In Crazy Heart he plays Bad Blake, a washed-up, alcoholic country singer. He also sings, and doesn't do a bad job of it.
在《疯狂的心》中他扮演的Bad Blake,是 一个过气、酗酒的乡村歌手,他仍然唱歌,但并不甘心陷于困境。
Bridges comes from Hollywood stock - he is son of the late Lloyd Bridges and brother of Beau, who appeared with him in The Fabulous Baker Boys.
Bridges出生于好莱坞世家,他是已故的Lloyd Bridges的儿子,Beau的弟弟,他俩曾一起出演《一曲相思情未了》。
George Clooney - Up In The Air George Clooney-《在云端》
Clooney fits effortlessly into the role of Ryan Bingham, a "corporate downsizer" whose job it is to fire people as smoothly and painlessly as possible. An Oscars regular, Clooney was a best actor nominee in 2008 for Michael Clayton but lost out to Daniel Day-Lewis for There Will Be Blood. The 48-year-old has one Academy Award to his name - best supporting actor for Syriana in 2006. It was one of three nominations that year - the others were best director and best original screenplay for Good Night and Good Luck.
Clooney毫不费力地融于Ryan Bingham这个角色,这个“为公司提供裁员服务的人”的职责是尽可能顺利和平稳的帮助公司裁员。作为奥斯卡常客,Clooney曾于2008年因《迈克尔克莱顿》提名最佳男主角,但输给了《血色将至》中的Daniel Day-Lewis。48岁的Clooney于2006年因《辛瑞那》一片获得最佳男配角称号,同年他还因《晚安,好运》一片提名最佳导演和最佳原创剧本。
Colin Firth - A Single Man Colin Firth - 单身男人
This is Firth's first Oscar nomination and his performance as a gay English professor grieving for the death of his lover (Matthew Goode) is considered the best work of his career.
这是Firth第一次被提名奥斯卡,他扮演的同性恋英文教授因为爱人(Matthew Goode扮演)的离世而悲伤,这被认为是他演艺生涯的最佳表演。
Although he has received good notices in the past for serious dramas, he remains best known for two things - playing a wet-shirted Mr Darcy in the TV adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, and his comic, uptight Englishman act in everything from Bridget Jones's Diary to Mamma Mia!
虽然他曾因几部严肃戏剧而获得好评,但他最著名的两件事却是——在电视版《傲慢与偏见》中“湿身”的达西先生, 以及他在《布里吉特琼斯日记》到《妈妈咪亚!》中饰演的充满喜剧感、保守的英国男士形象。
The buzz around A Single Man began at the Venice Film Festival in September, when Firth, 49, won the best actor prize. He was also nominated for a Golden Globe.
Morgan Freeman - Invictus Morgan Freeman-《成事在人》
When Nelson Mandela was asked 15 years ago who should play him in a film version of his life, his reply was instant: Morgan Freeman.
当15年前Nelson Mandela被问到谁应在他的传记电影中扮演他时,他立刻回答:Morgan Freeman。
The star of The Shawshank Redemption and Driving Miss Daisy wanted to adapt Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk To Freedom, but the book was too big. Invictus, which focused on Mandela's role in South Africa's 1995 Rugby World Cup victory, was the perfect vehicle.
这位《肖申克的救赎》和《为戴茜小姐开车》中的巨星曾经想改编Mandela自传片《Long Walk To Freedom》,但此书过于宏大。《成事在人》对于曼德拉的描述堪称完美。此片主要讲述的是南非在1995年橄榄球世界杯中获得冠军,Mandela在其中所起的重要作用。
Freeman, 72, has three Oscar nominations and one win under his belt: best supporting acting for Million Dollar Baby in 2005.
Jeremy Renner - The Hurt Locker Jeremy Renner-《拆弹部队》
Renner, 39, is a relative unknown. 39岁的Renner相比而言不是很有名。
Although he has worked in film and TV for over a decade, this is his breakthrough role.
In The Hurt Locker he plays Staff Sergeant William James, a bomb disposal expert in Iraq who is addicted to the risks of the job.
在《拆弹部队》中他饰演陆军上士William James,一名沉溺于危险工作的炸弹处理专家。
Renner fell into acting at college. He was studying computer science and criminology when he decided to try an acting class, and found he had a talent for it.
He has appeared in 28 Weeks Later and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, plus TV series SWAT and Angel. Forthcoming projects include Marvel blockbuster The Avengers and Ben Affleck's Boston crime drama The Town.
他曾出演过《惊变28周》和《神枪手之死》,以及电视连续剧《SWAT and Angel》。还有即将上演的《Marvel blockbuster》《复仇者》以及本阿尔弗莱克导演的波斯顿犯罪电影《The Town》。