The Wiz (1978) .... Scarecrow
1978年的音乐剧The Wiz翻拍自迈克尔·杰克逊最爱的经典电影《绿野仙踪》,由戴安娜·罗斯和理查德·普赖尔领衔主演,杰克逊扮演的是稻草人Scarecrow。
Released in 1978 The Wiz, directed by Sidney Lumet, is a remake of one of Michael Jackson's favourite movies "The Wizard of Oz". The film has an all blackcast with Diana Ross playing the lead role of Dorothy and Richard Pryor as The Wiz. Michael Jackson plays the Scarecrow. The Wiz was Michaels first step into the movies and he found he enjoyed the 5 hour make up sessions, 6 days a week, transforming him into the Scarerow and be able to become a different character. Also features Michael The film does have a soundtrack on which Michael Jackson features on 6 of the tracks. Michaels performance was praised by the critics.
Captain EO
Captain EO (1986) .... Captain EO
Captain EO最早是在迪斯尼主题公园播映的3D电影,其中的插曲"We Are Here to Change the World"和"Another Part of Me"都是大家耳熟能详的作品。
Captain EO is a 3-D film formerly shown at Disney theme parks. The movie tells the story of Captain EO and the ragtag crew of his spaceship on a mission to deliver a gift to a wicked alien queen, the Supreme Leader, on her home world of rotting, twisted metal and steaming vents. Captain EO's alien crew consists of his small flying sidekick Fuzzball, the double-headed navigator and pilot Idee and Odee, robotic security officer Major Domo, a small robot Minor Domo (who fits like a module into Major Domo), and the clumsy elephant-like shipmate Hooter (Tony Cox) who always manages to blunder the crew's missions.
Moonwalker (1988) .... Himself / Michael
《月球漫步》是迈克尔·杰克逊具有划时代意义的作品,除了"We Are the World"和"Bad"等一系列畅销金曲之外,moonwalke太空舞步也引领80年代末90年代初流行乐坛的风潮。
Released in 1988, Moonwalker is a magical, musical journey into the world of Michael Jackson. Directed by Jerry Kramer and Colin Chilvers, starring Joe Pesci as Mr Big and Sean Lennon, Kellie Parker and Brandon Adams. Moonwaler is a story of good over evil, mixed in with fantastic song and dance numbers, animation and the latest special effects of the time.
"The Simpsons" .... Leon Kompowsky (1 episode, 1991)
1991年迈克尔·杰克逊化名为Johnny Jay Smith客串为《辛普森一家》配音,出演了Leon Kompowsky一角,非常搞笑。
In "Stark Raving Dad", Homer gets hospitalized for wearing a pink shirt to work, and while in the hospital, meets a patient who calls himself Michael Jackson and thinks that he is the famous singer, although he's a middle-aged caucasian man. After getting released, Homer invites him to come visit his home (Kompowsky was in the hospital voluntarily) and Bart, thinking Kompowsky is the real Michael Jackson, tells everyone.
Ghosts (1997/I) .... Maestro/Mayor/Ghoul Mayor/Super Ghoul/Skeleton
与惊悚大师史蒂芬·金合作编剧,由《终结者》系列的幕后制作Stan Winston一手操刀,迈克尔·杰克逊在这个38分钟的短片《鬼魂》中分饰多角,极尽诡异。
A short fim of 38 mins released in 1996/97, Ghosts was written by Michael Jackson and Stephen King and directed by Oscar-winner Stan Winston, the world's foremost creator of creatures. Winston is the man behind characters such as 'The Terminator', the extra-terrestrial monstrosities of 'Aliens' and the amazing dinosaurs of 'Jurassic Park'. Featuring latest special effects, make-up and dance routines, Michael plays a number of characters that look nothing like each other making use of great make-up and special effects.
Men in Black II (2002) .... Agent M
Men in Black II (also known as MIIB) is a 2002 science fiction action comedy film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. The film also stars Lara Flynn Boyle, Johnny Knoxville, Rosario Dawson and Rip Torn. The film is a sequel to the 1997 film Men in Black, both of which are based on the Malibu comic book series The Men in Black by Lowell Cunningham.
Miss Cast Away (2004) .... Agent M.J.
Michael Jackson will star in the upcoming comedy ‘Miss Cast Away’ as an 007 type in sparkly attire. Director Bryan Michael Stoller revealed, “Michael’s got a great sense of humor. He plays Agent MJ. It’s a parody on his cameo in ‘Men in Black II,’ where he wanted to be Agent M, but they wouldn’t let him.”