经典英文电影台词:变脸Face Off
日期:2008-02-16 21:16



Sean: Home.

Sean: Eve. Eve. No, honey, please don''t scream, don''t scream. I''m not gonna hurt you. OK, just don''t, don''t, don''t, don''t, shhh, just don''t look at my face. And the voice. Don''t listen. Just...

Eve: I know who you are! You killed our son!

Sean: Shhh, I did not kill our son. I''m Sean. the last time I saw you...was in this room. We had a fight when I said I had to go away again. And I spent the night in Mike''s old bed.

Sean: I''m tired, Eve. the assignment is to enter a federal prison as Castor Troy. It''s just ****ing insane. And it''s---A Special ops surgeon, uh, gave me, uh...Castor''s face! Then, uh, and then, somehow, Castor came out of his, uh...his, his coma, and he killed everybody...who knew about the mission. But, but not before transforming into me. I know you don''t believe a word I''m saying. Well, here''s proof, Doctor. Your husband, me, my, Sean''s bloodtype is O-negative. Castor''s AB. And I love you.

come out of one''s coma (从昏迷中)恢复清醒。
be in a coma 昏迷当中

  • surgeonn. 外科医生
  • coman. 昏迷
  • assignmentn. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)
  • screamn. 尖叫声 v. 尖叫,大笑