所以,应对这部分考题时,建议考生首先要熟练掌握校园词汇,如permit, assignment, due time, requirement, announcement, grade, credit等。其次,在听对话时,我们需要记下关键词,词组和例子,并且笔记应当有条理,有层次。在答题时,要理顺答题思路。首先,要理解阅读内容,并用一句话概括阅读的大意。然后表明说话人的立场也可以描述说话人的态度和心情。此外,非常重要的一点是要论述理由,最后用一句话进行概括。
绝大多数的阅读段落的中心句都是该段落的首句,所以考生们不用太担心在短短的45秒钟内看不完整个段落。此外,阅读部分的题目本身就是大意最简要的概括。而且考生们在总结大意时不需要加入任何的细节,所以在阅读时不需要在细节上花费太多时间。在概括大意时,我们可以记熟一些常用语句,如:The reading passage introduces Professor X's policy on…等,这样在考场中就不需要临时组织语言了。
Late Assignments Not Accepted
Students who take Leadership & Supervision must complete 10 assignments which account for 50 percent of the final score. Requirements and the due dates of these assignments are listed; please note late assignments will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to submit each assignment on time. On the due date, no excuses, including medical excuses, will be accepted. Please make sure you start and complete your assignments early so that you will not miss the deadline even if something serious arises. Please also note that you will not receive any grade on late assignment.
其实,不用阅读全文,但从题目中,我们就可以知道,这篇阅读文章是关于late assignment的举措。所以,即使在完全不阅读的状况下,我们也可以很好的归纳出段意,即:The reading passage introduces the professor's policy on late assignments.当然,也有一部分的考题无法使用这种方法,那么我们就应当做一定的阅读,但是所有的细节部分,如数字,时间等可以直接掠过。
The man/woman thinks…is a great opportunity for him/her.
The man/woman disagree.
The man/woman finds…hard to understand and the woman/man is trying to explain to him/her.
In the listening passage, the man/woman confirms to the woman/man that…
此外,表示支持的词有:favor, in favor of, be for, agree with, support,而表示反对的词有:disagree with, be against, oppose。
同样的,在我们叙述理由时,也需要有清晰的层次感,也就是需要有连接词和描述理由的句式。连接词有despite, in addition, besides, moreover, plus, what's more等。描述例子的句式有:A good reason for this is that…
This is because…
…, explaining why…
…for the following reasons
The reasons are as follows.
…because of the following reasons.
A good example is…
A case in point is…
…is a perfect example.
Take…for example.
Think about…for a moment.
最后,为了使答案有一个完整性,我们需要给出一个最后的总结句,同样的,总结部分也需要有提示词,如:therefore, in conclusion, in summary等。总结句通常会重述听力中主要阐述人的观点,常见的重述语言有:
Therefore, the man/woman thinks Professor X's policy on…is acceptable.
The man/woman doesn't recommend the woman/man …
Therefore, the man/woman welcomes the idea that…