1. Imagine that you have to give up watching tv for one month. would this be difficult for you?
2. Some people prefer to spend their free time with a group of friends. Others prefer to spend their
free time with just one person at a time. Which do you prefer? Why?
口语3 听力 女人强烈支持1、时间在evening好啊,因为白天我们都很忙嘛,上课、打工2、研究生在家里用internet做tutor好啊,因为他们就不用来学校了。有人住在40min hours drive away。这样这些住得远的人也会interested。
someone working in the book publish company
make money per hours.
one day he gets a raise.(涨工资了)
口语5 女人今年spring break有一个field trip of the geology class. 但是她没有跟他家里讲,然后有个远房sister去她家看她。solution 1: cancel plan for the geology trip,回家看妹妹solution 2: 不回家了,disappoint妹妹
口语6animals living in the wild features young animal protect themselves in the wild
伪装camouflage. baby lions have spots similar to the surroundings 这样predator就看不到他们了temporary features to move quickly to escape from predators. 一种鸟lives on water. baby bird不会飞,但是有一种finger用来爬山
Artificial reefs have several benefits.
Many fishers believe that by giving fish more places to gather and reproduce, artificial reefs have increased the populations of some species of fish
Artificial reefs can also improve the economic competitiveness of small-scale fishers. This is possible because small-scale fishers are able to create their own private artificial reefs in secret locations only they know.
Finally, artificial reefs are a good way to recycle materials no longer needed for other purposes.
1, 鱼的overall population不一定就grow larger了。只是因为reef吸引鱼,所以鱼都跑reef那去了。总体的population都跑那去了。decrease了。
2. 不应该让私人搞小reef。不然有safety problem:其他渔夫不知道的,下网了以后就会死菜。在shallow waters,小船还会整个崩掉cracks。
3. 会cause environmental problems。被风吹了会散开,然后把很多marine plants和animal搞死了。
Some people think that giving students time during a class to discuss ideas with each
other is a good way to help students learn; others think giving students time for discussion
is ineffective or a wast of time. Which idea do you agree with, and why?