1. What kind of food do you recommend to add to food menu on campus cafeteria? Use Examples and details to support your response.
2. Some people like to buy new but expensive books while others prefer to buy old but cheap ones. Which would you prefer?
学校要弄一个新的mentoring program, 是let fourth grade student to mentor first year students。有两个好处:
(1) to help 1st year student,help 1st year student adapt to college life more quickly, because senior students know much more than the freshmen;
(2) to help 1st year student to know some senior students to expand social connection。
(1) 大一的小P孩都不知道,比如说schedule change,building location,他们都不知道,所以有个人能deliver those information的话会很有帮助;
(2) 他大一的时候认识的人都是大一的或者住在一起的很局限,能认识更多不同年级的人的话会更好。
教授举了一个例子说卖office equipment的公司,sales groups。他们的奖金跟sales有很大的关系,分成两组:第一组人就直接看了,看完以后实验的人问他们什么感想?他们啥感想也没,对那个人没印象;第二组的人看完以后比较focus on personality,并且对他有比较好的印象都觉得这个人很qualified, 会成为一个很好的销售人员。
5. 女生要完成商科的paper:采访一个magazine的创始人,为了学习关于how to start up business, the businessman called to cancel the interview because he has to attend a last-minute conference and will not be able to be back(out of town了) until next week。解决方法有二:
(1)wait for that person to come until next week,但会给那个女生less time to write paper;
(2)interview another person from the list given by the professor,但是area会不一样,女生对那个magazine很感兴趣。
6. 记不太清楚了,说某种种植crop rotation的方式有什么优势,一是保存营养物质restore the nutrients in soil,Wheat uses up nitrogen, planting bean will restore nitrogen;二是清除害虫decrease insects. Some insects eat wheat, planting beans reduces this kind of insects.