日期:2013-06-13 17:20


Task 1

Which of the following do you think it's the best way to get to know a new school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on the campus play field or auditing lectures?


I would like to join a one-day campus tour to get to know a university for the following reasons. For one thing, a tour around the campus can cover many aspect of the campus life. We get to see what the student dorms are like, if the school library carries a comprehensive book collection, as well as if the facilities in the labs are up-to-date. Also, a tour on campus is usually given by senior students. It's a good chance to feel the "vibe" of the school if you will. Through talking with our tour guides, we can get a true sense of what's going on in the school.

Task 2

If you were given a empty piece of land, would you rather using it to build a garden or a play ground for children?


I'd rather using the piece of land to build a play ground for children in my community for the following reason. First of all, there are less and less space left empty for children to play these days. Everywhere you go is crowded with buildings, businesses and parking lots. If there were a play ground, children in my community can finally have a place to get together to socialize and have some fun. Second, a play ground will encourage children to spend more time out doors. Kids nowadays spend way to much time hooked up to their computers, cellphones and game consoles. It's nor healthy or productive to be connected all the time. A play ground will make them feel like they are out in nature for a change.

Task 3


学生写信,学校咖啡厅提供beverages and cookies很好,但建议增加两项:


more light music


The woman agrees with the proposal,具体两点进行支持:

the cookies don't really help much when she's hungry,所以的确要有一些其他吃的

the music there is too noisy now, she has to go back to her dorm to read instead of reading there

Task 4




动物迁徙时,如果一只停下来喝水,其他也会一起停下喝水,再继续一起迁徙,因为there might be predators like lions on the dry open grass, 单独行动很危险。

Task 5

Problem: his landlord is going to sell the house and there's a buyer who's eager to buy it, he has only a bit over one week to move

Solution 1: a friend of his is looking for a roommate near his university

Pro: /

Con: he can't concentrate on his study

Solution 2: he can live with his parents


Con: too far away

Task 6

Animal adaptions

physical adaption

举例:动物表皮黑色,and it can absorb more sunlight for the heat to get into the body

habit adaption


  • senioradj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的 n. 年长
  • concentratev. 集中,专心,浓缩 n. 浓缩物
  • proposaln. 求婚,提议,建议
  • productiveadj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的
  • cooperationn. 合作,协作
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • absorbvt. 吸纳,吸引 ... 的注意,吞并
  • comprehensiveadj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐