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日期:2012-11-06 16:54


闭一只眼 to turn a blind eye
伸手援助 to give a helping hand
时间成熟 when the time is ripe
时间紧迫 to be pressed for time
黑市交易 to be in the black market
丧尽气力 to run out of steam
毫无疑问 without a doubt
沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean
死无对证 dead men tell no tales
随心所欲 to do whatever you like
物极必反 extremes meet
愚公移山 faith will move mountains
盛名之累 great honors are great burdens
习惯难改 old habits die hard
隔墙有耳 the walls have ears
财务赤字 to be in the red
洗耳恭听 to be all ears
牢记在心 to learn something by heart
一丝不乱 It does not have a hair out of place.
声名扫地 The name is mud.
美丽如画 to look a picture
大异其趣 a horse of a different color
铁石心肠 as hard as nails
阿狗阿猫every Tom, Dick and Harry
