After making perennial efforts to measure my exact height, I reached the inescap-able conclusion that I was permanently handicapped. Back in those days, I was a cal-low young chap vastly capable of daring and foolhardiness, and determined to wrestle with this prejudice against men's lack of height. So by hook or by crook, I married a girl who was 1.74 meters in height. Such an astonishing tour de force thus achieved greatly bolstered the morale and esteem of those of us who were "handicapped".
But only after the girl was enticed into matrimony did I begin to feel my self-in-flicted anguish. This over-reaction of mine not only failed to put an end to my "perma-nent handicap",but also gave me lifetime regret. I was deprived of the earthy pleasure of walling with my wife in the street with my strong art around her delicate neck.