It is tempting to think that imitation sometimes restricted people’s individual thoughts. Learning from others, especially for learning from their thoughts, may delay one’s process realizing their own independence from others.
开头第一句话并没有直接明确自己的论点,而是用“It is tempting to think人们很容易认为”来引出对立观点:模仿可能会限制个人的思维。
However, tracing back to the history, those great entrepreneurs, scientists and artists always follow or embed their personal ideas on their antecedents.
Imitation can always help people implement or improve their individual thoughts by offering useful and effective strategies or ways of doing things.
这种开头结构很值得我们借鉴。在sat考场,考虑到我们时间的限制和作文纸张的限制,托福那种在开头先写背景,引用名人名言的方式并不是很适合SAT作文。首先这些背景和名言只能算是题目的引子,其实并没有directly address the topic;并且这些话很难固定,大部分都需要现想现编,所以考场最可能的结果就是浪费了一堆时间最后只写出了一个不太连贯的背景和跟题目并没有直接关系的名言。所以还不如直率点,开场就引话题和表观点。
但是又考虑到SAT作文需要作者体现出一定的critical thinking。那什么是critical thinkers最明显的特点呢?就是they are always respectful of the merits of the opposing view。所以这篇文章的开头就非常值得借鉴,我们完全可以在处理所有开头的时候都像此篇作者一样先用It is tempting to think 来引出对立的观点,这样既能引出话题又能体现我们并不是人云亦云的nerds;我们知道反方观点的小优点,只是经过进一步思考之后,我们发现还是我方观点更好,也就是However之后的内容,imitation is not always harmful及其理由。
There is no denying that a genuine imitation could help people ameliorate their views and ways of their work.
An Arkansan entrepreneur, Sam Walton, known as the leader of Walmart, succeed by borrowing the ideas and strategies of a formal idea.
这句话写的很好,同学们可以借鉴。这句话相当于例子的总结,把Walton的成功跟题目关键词imitation建立起因果关系,介绍了这个人的同时又可以切题,一石二鸟;同时操作性也很强,基本都可以套用somebody, by doing (题中关键词),succeeds in doing(添加他的具体成就)。
After taking the company public, Walton propose his profit sharing plan, which made him become the unique one who improve employees’ income by linking them to the profit of the store.
It seems that Walton come out independently. However, he was actually imitating many of others who also have the idea of corporation between the employees and company. Walton is actually the one who realize this idea, not the creator of profit sharing.
He believes that individual do not win, teams do. Employees at Walmart store were offered stock options and special discount.
这句话其实还是在继续解释Walton与分享利润的具体做法,所以这些句子并不跑题,但是放在这并不是最佳选择。如果能放在“After taking the company public, Walton propose his profit sharing plan, which made him become the unique one who improve employees’ income by linking them to the profit of the store” 后面更好。把所有的他的策略解释完以后再进入下一个环节,论证他的做法并非原创,只是借鉴前人而已。
Given a part of the company, the employees could care about the company and happy employees mean happy customers and more sales.
这句话再写imitation给Walmart带来的好处,即more sales。
Thanks to borrowing to idea from other entrepreneurs, Walmart has gain popularity around the world.
那对于这道题,作者的观点是imitation of others is good。
step 1 我们要写的关键人物的ideas or actions.
step 2 论证,点明主题。Those ideas and actions come about not from their own originality but from imitation of others。然后再细化,他们抄袭了什么人的什么想法。
step 3 those ideas or actions, even though based on imitation, indeed lead them to success. 再具体解释我们要写的关键人物因为抄袭和借鉴获得了什么样的成功,来对应题目中的good。
Another example of concealing the benefits of imitation is the example of Che Guevara, the Argentina revolutionist, diploma and militarist.
In his early year, as a physician, Che traveled across South American and helped those people living in poverty and painful. After realizing the plight of the people in the third world, he made up his minds to help those people build up a more democratic society.
But the ways of such process is hardly to come out with one’s own thoughts. So Che learns the ways revolutionist helped their nations and copied their ways. He went to Cuban and committed some of the democratic policies in Cuba and finally succeed.
If he tried to come out those ways
1 调整第一个例子的说话顺序。作者第一个例子相对完成的不错,但是如果按照我们说的步骤再调整一下,逻辑会显得更好,语言会更连贯。
2 去掉第二个例子中与题目不太相关的内容;把与“imitation of others is good”最相关的内容加强并细化。第二段内容中格瓦拉少年时作为一个physician旅行的经历跟题目没有直接关系,应当去掉或简化;而切格瓦拉模仿哪些人的哪些想法,并且因为这些模仿获得了什么样的成功,才是我们题目所问的内容,最应该细化。这样,我们的文章才是clearly-focused,才能更好得切合SAT作文的评分标准。
3 建立两个例子之间的联系。现在看来,这篇文章两个例子之间的联系比较弱,只是one example 和another example的关系,这样会显得文章的organization比较随意。所以如果要做到well-organized的话,同学们还可以尝试在写第二个例子之前加上几句承上启下的话来建立两个例子之间的联系。
比如说,如果我们的例子一个发生在古代,一个发生在现代的话,我们再展开第二个例子之前就可以加上这些话:“虽然前面的例子发生在古代,但是题目中的道理remain unchanged。在现代社会能证明我的观点的例子也很多”,然后再继续引出我们的第二个例子。 除了这种“古代+现代”的搭配以外,我们还可以“个人例+集体例”、“虚拟例+真实例”等等,这种建立联系的方式非常多,甚至用一年发生的两件事这种方法也可以建立例子之间的联系。同学们可以自己发挥想象。但是只要我们做了这些小小的改动,我们两个例子之间的关系就会更紧密,文章的说服力也会更强。