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SAT数学 Grid-in 练习题(1)
日期:2013-03-06 09:37



  Question 1: How many integers between 1 and 50 contain the digit 3?

  Question 2: |2·x + 1| = 3 |x + 5| = 6

  What value of x satisfies both of the equations above?

  Question 3: The length of rectangle B is 50% longer than the length of rectangle A and the width of rectangle B is 50% shorter than the width of rectangle A. What is the ratio between the area of rectangle B and the area of rectangle A?

  Question 4: If a§b = ab + ba for all real numbers a,b, what is (2§3)§1?

  Question 5: What is the value of the x + y sum, if x + 2y = 5 and 2x + y = 7 ?

  Question 6: If AC and BD are the diagonals of the ABCD rectangle and EAB is equilateral, what is the value of angle ADE?

  Question 7: The average of a set of 11 numbers is 11. If two numbers are removed the average of the remaining numbers is 10. What is the sum of the two numbers removed?

  Question 8: Last year, the price of a computer monitor was $300.What is the percent increase in price, if it is available now at $360?

  Question 9: In the x, y plane, what is the area of the triangle created by the x axis, the y axis and the y = (-5/4)x + 5 line?

  Question 10: If a coin is flipped twice, what is the probability that it will land heads at least once?




  Question 1: How many integers between 1 and 50 contain the digit 3?

  Answer: 14

  Explanation: There are 14 integers between 1 and 50 that contain

  the digit 3: 3, 13, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43.

  Question 2: |2x + 1| = 3 |x + 5| = 6

  What value of x satisfies both of the equations above?

  Answer: 1

  Explanation: Since |2x + 1| = 3, the value of 2x + 1 is either 3 or -3.

  2x + 1 = 3

  2x = 2

  x = 1

  2x + 1 = -3

  2x = -4

  x = -2

  The two values of x that satisfy the first equation are 1 and -2.

  Since |x + 5| = 6, the value of x + 5 is either 6 or -6.

  x + 5 = 6

  x = 1

  x + 1 = -6

  x = -7

  The two values of x that satisfy the second equation are 1 and -6.

  You are asked to find the value of x that satisfies both equations and that value is 1.

  Question 3: The length of rectangle B is 50% longer than the length of rectangle A and

  the width of rectangle B is 50% shorter than the width of rectangle A. What is the ratio

  between the area of rectangle B and the area of rectangle A?

  Answer: .75

  Explanation: The area of rectangle A is AreaA = lA·wA

  The area of rectangle B is AreaB = lB·wB = 1.5·lA·.5·wA = .75·lA·wA

  The ratio between the area of rectangle B and the area of rectangle A is:

  AreaB/AreaA = (.75·lA·wA)/(lA·wA) = .75

  Question 4: If a§b = ab + ba for all real numbers a,b, what is (2§3)§1?

  Answer: 18

  Explanation: 2§3 = 23 + 32 = 8 + 9 = 17

  17§1 = 171 + 117 = 17 + 1 = 18

  In conclusion, (2§3)§1 = 18

  Question 5: What is the value of the x + y sum, if x + 2y = 5 and 2x + y = 7 ?

  Answer: 4

  Explanation: The easiest way to find x + y is to realize that by adding

  the 2 equations, the left term of the addition is a multiple of x + y:

  3(x + y) = 12

  x + y = 4

  You can also solve the system of 2 equations, find x and y and add them,

  but this will likely take longer.

  Question 6: If AC and BD are the diagonals of the ABCD rectangle and EAB is equilateral,

  what is the value of angle ADE?

  Answer: 30o

  Explanation: Rectangles have parallel opposite sides so AD and BC are parallel.

  The BD diagonal produces congruent angles: angle ADE is equal to angle CBD.

  ABCD is a rectangle so angle ABC is 90o.

  ABE is equilateral so angle ABE is 60o.

  Angle ADE = Angle CBD = Angle ABC - Angle ABD = 90o - 60o = 30o

  Question 7: The average of a set of 11 numbers is 11. If two numbers are removed

  the average of the remaining numbers is 10. What is the sum of the two numbers removed?

  Answer: 31

  Explanation: The average of the 11 numbers is equal with the sum of the numbers divided by 11.

  11 = (sum of 11 numbers)/11

  Sum of 11 numbers = 11·11

  Sum of 11 numbers = 121

  If x and y are the 2 numbers removed,

  [(Sum of 11 numbers) - x - y]/9 = 10

  [121 - x - y] = 10·9

  [121 - x - y] = 90

  x + y = 121 - 90

  x + y = 31

  Question 8: Last year, the price of a computer monitor was $300.What is the percent increase in price,

  if it is available now at $360?

  Answer: 20%

  Explanation: The percent increase in price is the actual change in price,

  divided by the original price, and multiplied by 100.

  ($360 - $300)·100/$300 = 20%

  Question 9: In the x, y plane, what is the area of the triangle created by the x axis, the y axis and the y = (-5/4)x + 5 line?

  Answer: 10


  y = (-5/4)x + 5 intersects the y axis at x = 0 and y = 5

  y = (-5/4)x + 5 intersects the x axis at y = 0 and x = 4

  The triangle created by the x axis, the y axis and the y = (-5/4)x + 5 line is a right triangle.

  The area of the triangle is A = (1/2)·4·5 = 10.

  Question 10: If a coin is flipped twice, what is the probability that it will land heads at least once?

  Answer: .75


  The 4 possible combinations are (heads,heads), (heads,tails), (tails,heads) and (tails,tails).

  Three of these four combinations satisfy the conditions that the coin lands heads at least once.

  The probability is 3/4 = .75

  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • conclusionn. 结论
  • containvt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制 vi. 自制
  • trianglen. 三角(形)
  • equationn. 相等,方程(式), 等式,均衡
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • probabilityn. 可能性,或然率,机率
  • rectanglen. 长方形,矩形
  • solvev. 解决,解答