One of the biggest bunnies in the world is missing, and authorities don't think he just hopped away.
Darius, a Continental Giant rabbit, was last seen on Saturday in his pen in the village of Stoulton, England, about 130 miles northwest of London.
Measuring 4 feet and 3 inches long, he is the current Guinness record holder as the longest rabbit in the world, a title he's held since 2010.
“It is believed the Continental Giant rabbit was stolen from its enclosure in the garden of the property of its owners overnight on Saturday," local police said in a statement to British newspaper The Telegraph.
Darius' owner, Annette Edwards, upped the reward for finding the missing bunny to $2,750 on Tuesday.
On Sunday, Edwards tweeted that Darius was stolen and pleaded for his return, saying the rabbit was too old for breeding now.
This is the latest tragedy to hit Darius and his family.