Thus Golla and Grey Walter were the two scientific colleagues thanked by W. Ross Ashby for reading the draft of his 1952 cybernetic book Design for a Brain.
The fact that he retained his OBE was itself an interesting detail of the case. The War Office would demand the return of medals from anyone guilty under the 1885 Act. The Foreign Office presumably, took a different view.
At the Nuffield Foundation conference that Alan attended, P.B. Medawar had proposed a programme of experiments on male animals, injecting oestrogen in order to reveal the neuro-physiological mechanism through the consequent alteration in behaviour patterns.
Rarely can a Fellow of the Royal Society have had the honour of sitting at the wrong end of such an experiment.
The work he was doing was on the application of sequential analysis to economics.
Although he knew that Alan was interested in Bayesian statistics, he had no idea that Alan had independently invented sequential analysis in Hut.
In a reform typical of the period, 1952 saw a change in American immigration policy from a legal definition of homosexuality (the breaking of a law), to a medical definition.
The Immigration and Nationality Act of that year specified that 'Aliens afflicted with psychopathic personality ... shall be excludable from admission into the United States.'