日期:2020-09-09 07:41


Robin stayed at Wilmslow for the weekend of 31 May, just ten days before Alan died.

就在图灵去世前一周,5月31日,那天是个周末,罗宾去威姆斯洛看望他。Their friendship was one of great mutual confidence in emotional matters, but there was no hint of a psychological crisis on this visit.


They amused themselves with Alan's experiments, trying to make a non-poisonous weedkiller and sink-cleaner from natural ingredients.


They talked about type theory and planned to meet again in July.


Alan had much developed his friendship with the writer Nick Furbank-a development which perhaps reflected his greater willingness to branch away from science, and even to interest himself in literature.


The subject of suicide had entered at some point in their conversation, and Nick recalled it when he wrote to Robin on 13 June, describing what he had found at Wilmslow, when he went there in his capacity of executor.


But this had lent no sense of explanation to the death, only perhaps the knowledge that it was not a course that Alan had ruled out of court.

