If the operations are represented by letters, then such a sequence is represented by a 'word'—hence the name of the problem.
For a finite group, there would of course exist such a definite method, namely the crude one of working through all the possibilities.
The problem arises for infinite groups.A 'semi-group' is the abstract version of a set of operations which meets half of the conditions required for a 'group': the operations cannot necessarily be reversed.
A 'cancellation semi-group' is a semi-group with a property which makes it closer to being a group: if AC = BC then it must be that A = B.
Polanyi rejected this argument, saying that a machine was a machine, a human mind was a human mind, and no amount of evidence could change this a priori fact.
This oscillation between the two concepts of computability found its way into his Programmers' Handbook: on the first page the programmer was greeted by the assertion that
There is also a part of the machine called the control which corresponds to the (human) computer himself. If his possible behaviour were very accurately represented this would have to be a formidably complicated circuit.
机器的控制部分,功能相当于人类计算者,如果要让它处理所有可能的行为,就需要一个过度复杂的电路,However we really only require him to be able to obey the written instructions and these can be made so explicit that the control can be quite simple.
Thus a contemporary review article44 stated 'The importance of the principle of patterned 'field' activities in the determination of embryonic systems has been generally recognised.
Yet their nature and mode of operation are still among the greatest puzzles of modern biology.