The analogy with cryptanalysis is even closer in that the crystallographer attacks the problem, at first sight too enormous for contemplation, by making a hypothesis about the structure of the crystal.
Thus Watson and Crick pursued the DNA analysis, as did Pauling, by making good guesses about the helix structure, and thus getting closer and closer to the solution.
This is essentially the same idea as the 'Probable Word' method, which also effects a drastic reduction in the number of possible keys—
so that with the Enigma, for instance, they were left only with a small number of Bombe 'stops' to try out for sensible German plain-text.
It is not surprising that Alan Turing could see how to quantify the idea of information required for a guess to be possible: this was very close to the quantification of 'weight of evidence' which constituted his major conceptual advance at Bletchley.
Shannon was sceptical about this programme of work, and Shannon had a good point.
By 1977 computer calculations would show that among the first seven million zeroes of the zeta function, there is not one that lies off the special line.
This was a case where a brute force attack could yield only a negative result.