There history began in 1951, and no one connected with the computer knew about Computable Numbers.
At the NPL there had been strong connections with Cambridge mathematics and with the Royal Society; the new masters of the Mark I were quite a different crew, and had no sense of his past.
Nor did Alan try to explain.
An applied mathematics research student, N.E. Hoskin, had just become involved in using the new computer, and when he said over coffee 'I never thought of you as an FRS,' Alan just laughed—with that wince-inducing, mechanised laugh.
He did look young for an FRS, although at thirty-eight he was by no means the youngest to be elected.
Hardy had been elected at thirty-three, and the self-taught Indian mathematician Ramanujan at thirty.
Maurice Pryce was also elected in 1951, so in this respect Alan had caught up a year on the mathematical physicist, whom he did not meet again after the war.
Writing to Philip Hall at King's, who also had congratulated him, he said it was Very gratifying to be about to join the Olympians'.
After a mathematical description of his 'waves on cows' and 'waves on leopards', he added 'I am delighted to hear Maurice Pryce is also in the list.
I met him first when up for scholarship exam in 1929, but knew him best in Princeton.
He was quite my chief flame at one time.' In what was more of a mathematician's joke he wrote, 'I hope I am not described as “distinguished for work on unsolvable problems”.'
In his retirement from the organisation of the laboratory, it barely impinged on Alan that the new computer was used to perform calculations for the British atomic bomb.