Awkward questions you should never ask on a first date
What's your relationship like with your parents?
Relationships experts say to stay away from overly personal questions on the first date.
Asking people questions regarding their relationship with family and friends gets too nosy, says Rori Sassoon, a relationship expert based in New York City. "That's just so personal, number one, and it's not your business, number two," Sassoon told Business Insider.
问及对方与家人和朋友的关系实在是多管闲事,纽约市的恋情专家罗里·萨森(Rori Sassoon)说道
Why did you and your ex break up?
Bringing up past relationships can also ruin first dates, experts say.
Some people might be curious about why their date broke up with an ex in order to spot potential red flags down the road, New York City-based love coach Susan Winter said. This question is problematic for multiple reasons, however - including the fact your date likely won't be honest with you.
有些人可能非常好奇对方与前任分手的原因,以便后期的交往过程中避开这些雷区,纽约的爱情教练苏珊·温特(Susan Winter)说道
Plus, what happened in the past isn't relevant to the date that's happening right now. While someone may have had a rocky relationship with their last partner, you could bring out a completely different side of them.
"Sometimes we are different versions of ourselves with different people," Winter told Business Insider. "There are people who bring out the best in us, and there are people who bring out the worst in us."
“有时候,遇到不同的人,我们就会呈现不一样的自己,”温特对Business Insider说道
。“有些人会激发我们最好的一面,但有些人却会让我们呈现最糟的一面 。”How can you work in a job like that?
Avoid judgmental comments and questions about what someone does, wears, hangs out with, etc., said Andrea Syrtash, a dating expert and co-author of "It's Okay to Sleep With Him on the First Date: And Every Rule of Dating Debunked."
不要对别人的工作、穿着和朋友评头品足,约会专家兼《第一次约会就可以睡了他:揭秘每一条约会规则》一书的合著作者安德里亚·西尔塔什(Andrea Syrtash)表示
"You don't want your date to feel like you're keeping score and auditioning him or her for the future," Syrtash told Business Insider.
“你应该不希望给约会对象留下面试打分的印象吧,”西尔塔什对Business Insider说道
Do you always wear this much makeup?
Mattenson said to avoid asking a question about someone's appearance.
In fact, don't say anything about your date's appearance unless it's a direct compliment, Miami-based matchmaker Claudia Duran told Business Insider. Even if your date looks different in real life than they do in their photos, or if you don't want to see them again, Duran said to still be kind.
事实上,除了赞美他/她的外貌外,其它话请憋在肚子里,迈阿密媒人克劳迪娅·杜兰(Claudia Duran)对Business Insider说道