In the course of a few hours, there are hundreds, all sticking together and all very minute; so that the whole mass looks like the heap of soap bubbles which one blows by putting the pipe under the surface of the soap suds.
From this sphere of cells, Brewster explained, the animal would take shape:
If it is an animal like ourselves, this body stuff, before it becomes a body, is a round ball. A furrow doubles in along the place where the back is to be, and becomes the spinal cord.
A rod strings itself along underneath this, and becomes the back-bone.
The front end of the spinal cord grows faster than the rest, becomes larger, and is the brain. The brain buds out into the eyes.
The outer surface of the body, not yet turned into skin, buds inward and makes the ear.
Four outgrowths come down from the forehead to make the face. The limbs begin as shapeless knobs, and grow out slowly into arms and legs. ...
Alan had thought about embryology all the time, fascinated by the fact that how such growth was determined was something 'nobody has yet made the smallest beginning at finding out.'
There had been little advance since Growth and Form, the 1917 classic that he had read before the war.
The 1920s had made it possible to invoke the Uncertainty Principle to suggest that life was intrinsically unknowable, like the simultaneous measurement of position and velocity in quantum mechanics.
As with minds, there was an aura of religion and magic around the subject that attracted the attention of his scepticism.
It was a fresh field.
The greatest puzzle was that of how biological matter could assemble itself into patterns which were so enormous compared with the size of the cells.