Von Neumann's machine at the IAS was lagging years behind because the Iconoscope, upon which such hopes had been placed, could not be made to work.
The first American computers to be completed were Eckert and Mauchly's BINAC, used for aircraft engineering, in August 1950, and then the CSAW's cryptanalytic ATLAS in December 1950.
But by late September 1949, the Soviet Union had tested its atomic bomb, and this encouraged the American decision in early 1950 to construct a thermonuclear weapon.
The IAS machine and its copy MANIAC at Los Alamos were then pushed ahead, although even so it was 1952 before they were completed.
The 1950-52 calculation for H-bomb feasibility was performed by 1930s methods, with slide rules and desk calculators, absorbing years of human work.
In the end they had to scrap the special Iconoscope and use Williams'ordinary cathode ray tubes.
He had beaten American industry, it was still possible for British ingenuity to 'jump in ahead of the Americans'.
But where did this leave Alan? What was his programme for the immediate future?
It was a very pertinent question that the Wizard posed to Dorothy—not least because the facilities of the Manchester computer, when completed, would not match the ambitions spelt out by Alan for 'learning' and 'teaching' and 'searching'.
He had to reconcile himself to the fact that those ideas were dreams on the edge of reality, and find some new way in which to continue.
Meanwhile the claims of cybernetics had attracted the attentions of philosophers more weighty than Jefferson, and Alan was drawn into a more professional defence of his views.
The motive force was supplied by Michael Polany, the Hungarian emigre who had held the Chair of Physical Chemistry at Manchester from 1933 to 1948, since when he had occupied a new Chair of 'social studies', specially created to facilitate his philosophical ambitions.