Robin Gandy was a regular visitor, for at least once every term he would come for a weekend from Leicester where since October 1949 he had been a lecturer at the University College.
Alan had by now become his PhD supervisor.
They would mainly discuss the philosophy of science, though Robin's interest was turning more and more towards mathematical logic itself, rather than the logic of science, and his work was meeting up with Alan's.
Robin had become primarily interested in the theory of types, reviving Alan's interest in the subject.
They might also do a few jobs in the house or the garden together, and afterwards there would always be a bottle of wine with the dinner—which Alan would mull by plunging it in a jug of very hot water.
That was an invariable rule, and another was to put the cork back in the bottle after the meal was finished, even if Robin would have preferred to finish it off.
After the meal, as they did the washing-up, there would be some exercise to perform, such as working out how it could be that trees drew water up more than thirty feet.
There might well have been another kind of occasional visitor to his life, if not to his house.
For all the time there was another England, on towpaths or trains, in pubs, parks, toilets, museums, at swimming baths, bus stations, shop windows, or just looking back in the street, for those who had eyes to see; a communication network of flashing eyes, millions and millions of them, sundered from the lobotomised culture of official Britain, but to which Alan Turing belonged.
Before the war he would have been too shy, but by 1950 he had made some discoveries.
Traditionally, for the upper-middle-class homosexual man, there was Paris, and going abroad was a double escape, both from the English law, and from the class system which enveloped an Englishman as soon as he opened his mouth.
But England had its opportunities too. Alan always used to stay in the YMCA in London, if only because it would hardly occur to him to pay to stay anywhere grander, and this would have held something for his eye in the shape of naked youths in its swimming pool, if nothing more.
But Manchester was another story.