日期:2019-11-08 18:10


The broad insight, and the short-term skill, had little in common—that was one of Alan's problems.
This paper was something of a swan song for the primal urge, bequeathing the original excitement to the world before it was submerged in mundane technicalities.
As such it was a classic work in the British philosophical tradition.
It was a gentle reproof to the ponderous essays by Norbert Wiener, as well as to the reactionary, 'soupy' trend of English culture in the late 1940s.
Bertrand Russell admired it, and his friend Rupert Crawshay-Williams wrote appreciatively to Alan of how much Russell and he had enjoyed reading it.
From a philosophical point of view, it could be said to fit in with Gilbert Ryle's The Concept of Mind, which had appeared in 1949, and which put forward the idea of mind not as something added to the brain, but as a kind of description of the world.
But Alan's paper proposed a specific kind of description, namely that of the discrete state machine.
And he was more the scientist than the philosopher. The point of his approach, as he stressed in the paper, was not to talk about it in the abstract, but to try it out and see how much could be achieved.
In this he was the Galileo of a new science.
Galileo made a practical start upon that abstract model of the world called physics; Alan Turing upon that model provided by the logical machine.
Alan himself would have liked the comparison: he made reference in the article to Galileo.
A year or so later he gave a talk on this subject subtitled 'A Heretical Theory'.
