日期:2017-01-14 07:34


By the end of Alan's undergraduate period, his depression was lifting and new industry was arising, just as in the world outside.
He had begun to put down firm Cambridge roots, and to cut a figure as one less subdued and more ready with wit and good humour.
It was still true that he belonged neither to an 'aesthete' nor to an 'athlete' compartment.
He had continued to row in the boat club, and got on amiably with the other members, once downing a pint of beer in one go.
He played bridge with others of his year, though with the usual defect of serious mathematicians he could not be trusted to add up the scores.
The visitor to his room would find a disarray of books and notes and unanswered letters about socks and underpants from Mrs Turing.
Round the walls were stuck various mementoes—Christopher's picture, for one—but also, for those with eyes to see, magazine pictures with male sex-appeal.
He also liked to root around in sales and street markets, and picked up a violin in London, on Farringdon Road, for which he took some lessons.
This did not produce very aesthetic results, but there was a little of the 'aesthete' side in him, inasmuch as it debunked the pompous and stiff-upper-lip models of behaviour.
It was all somewhat mystifying to Mrs Turing, when at Christmas 1934 Alan asked for a teddy-bear, saying he had never had one as a little boy.
The Turings usually dutifully exchanged more useful and improving presents. But he had his way, and Porgy the bear was installed.
