Now at Manchester, he had the opportunity, in principle, to put this into practice-for the machine hardware had not been designed to pander to the programmer.
However, by 1949 he had lost interest in doing this kind of work, The fussy little detail of binary to decimal conversion, for instance, he now found not worth bothering about.
He himself found it simple to work directly in the base-32 arithmetic in which the machine could be regarded as working, and expected other people to do the same.
To use base-32 arithmetic it was necessary to find 32 symbols for the 32 different 'digits'.
Here he took over the system already used by the engineers, in which they labelled the five-bit combinations according to the Baudot teleprinter code.
Thus the 'twenty-two' digit, corresponding to the sequence 10110 of binary digits, would be written as 'P'.
To work in this system meant memorising the Baudot code and the multiplication table as expressed in it-something he, but few others, found easy.
The ostensible reason for sticking to this hideously primitive form of coding, which entailed so much work for the user.
was that the cathode ray tube storage made it possible-indeed necessary-to check the contents of the store by 'peeping', as Alan called it, at a monitor tube.
He insisted that what one saw as spots on the tube had to correspond digit by digit to the program that had been written out.
To maintain this principle of correspondence, it was actually necessary to write out the base-32 numbers backwards.
Another awkwardness arose on account of the five-bit combinations which did not correspond to a letter of the alphabet on the Baudot code. (It was the same problem that the Rockex system overcame.)