In 1941 a direct appeal had worked wonders, but by 1947 the war might as well have never been. And talk of 'planning staff' for the universal machine was almost as unreal as it would have been in 1936.
As it happened, the new recruit, Donald Davies, who came from atomic research, had been studying the abstract universal machine of Computable Numbers, rather annoying Alan by finding mistakes of detail in its construction.
Alan had also given a talk on the ACE at the NPL which Rupert Morcom attended.
The unhappy fact was that after eleven years there was still nothing but paper plans, a paper machine and paper programs, abstruse and insubstantial as the 'satisfactory numbers' he had tried to explain at the Clock House in 1936.
He had given his all, and had nothing to show for it but paper.
But the wheels of 1939, that once had seemed to be turning in his direction, were now revolving backwards.
In the summer of 1946 Alan had made contact again with James Atkins, who came to visit at Teddington.
He asked Alan what he had done, and Alan replied 'Can't you guess?' But James could only guess that it was to do with the atomic bomb.
After the passage of nine years, they found that there was nothing that they could truly say or do.
When James went, he left something behind, and returning after a few minutes caught Alan sitting in his bed-sitter with a particularly acute look of misery.
Alan had mentioned The Cloven Pine to James, and in early 1947 Fred Clayton himself got in touch again. Alan replied on 30 May
I was very glad to hear from you again, and should very much enjoy teaming up with you again for another sailing holiday.