How to Choose a Sunscreen
FIRST THINGS FIRST: Before your reach for a sunscreen, you should know that whatever you might use, it won’t make you invincible to the sun’s rays. That is, sun protection shouldn’t start with sunscreen, experts say.
首先:在挑选防晒霜之前,你应该知道:无论使用哪一款产品,都不能百分百防护光线中的紫外线 。所以,专家表示,防晒并不应从防晒霜开始 。
There are many ways to moderate your exposure to potentially harmful ultraviolet rays, and you should take advantage of various approaches to do just that. “You should try to do everything else first,” explains Dr. Robert Dellavalle, a professor of dermatology and public health at the University of Colorado. “And what is everything else? Well, it’s seeking shade, avoiding the midday sun, doing your activities early in the morning or late in the afternoon.” Aim to wear sun-protective clothing, too, like a light, long-sleeved shirt, as well as sunglasses.
很多方法都可以起到防护有害紫外线的作用,你应该利用这些方法 。“你应该先做些其它事情,”科罗拉多大学皮肤病学和公共卫生学教授罗伯特·德拉瓦勒(Robert Dellavalle)博士解释道 。“其它方法包括什么呢?寻找荫凉处、避免正午阳光的照射、早上早出门、晚上晚回家 。”最好穿上防晒衣,或轻薄的长袖衬衫,同时戴上太阳镜 。
Also of note, there are mineral-based sunscreens – like those made with zinc oxide or titanium oxide – and chemical sunscreens. “Chemicals can affect the environment, they can affect your skin – they can cause rashes,” Dellavalle says. “So only when you’re planning on being outdoors and cannot wear clothing or use one of these other options to protect your skin, then you should be using sunscreen.” So if you’re going swimming, you’ll want to be choosy about the sunscreen you use – and know how they differ.
值得注意的是,有些防晒霜含矿物质——比如含有氧化锌或氧化钛的防晒霜——化学防晒霜 。“化学物会污染环境,也会对你的皮肤造成影响——引起皮疹,”德拉瓦勒说道 。“所以,只有在你准备外出且无法穿防晒衣或使用其它防晒方法保护皮肤时,才应该涂防晒霜 。”如果你准备去游泳,应仔细挑选防晒霜,了解它们的差别 。
Particularly for those who have sensitive skin, a mineral-based or so-called physical sunscreen is a good choice. But with chemical sunscreens the formulation is more elegant and tends to be easier to rub in, says Dr. Arisa Ortiz, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California San Diego and director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at UC San Diego Health. “So if you’re sensitive or have many allergies, then I would opt for the physical sunscreen,” she says. “Otherwise if you don’t like that white residue, the chemical sunscreen would be better.”
对于敏感肌而言,矿物质防晒霜或所谓的物理防晒霜都是一个不错的选择 。但化学防晒霜的成分更讲究、更易涂抹,加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的皮肤病学助理临床教授兼加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校健康中心的激光和化妆品皮肤科主任爱丽莎·奥尔蒂斯(Arisa Ortiz)博士说道 。“所以如果你的肌肤敏感易过敏,建议您选择物理防晒霜,”她说道 。“如果不喜欢涂太白,化学防晒霜会更适合您 。”
Whichever you choose, to protect your body’s largest organ and help prevent skin cancer, it’s key to pick a sunscreen that has you safely and effectively covered. “The most important thing to look for is a sunscreen that says broad spectrum protection,” Ortiz says. “What that means is it’s going to protect against all UVA and UVB rays.”
无论挑选哪一款防晒霜,只要您用的安全且有效就能起到保护身体的最大器官、预防皮肤癌的作用 。“最重要的是选择一种广效性全面防护的防晒霜,”奥尔蒂斯说道 。“也就是说,这款防晒霜能防护所有的紫外线 。”