Australian city of Kwinana keeps waste out of water with huge 'socks' It has been described as the "simple pollution solution", a sock-like net that fits over a stormwater drain outlet to collect rubbish before it enters a waterway.
澳大利亚城市奎那那(Kwinana)正用其巨“袜”过滤垃圾 。该方法被誉为“解决污染的简单方法”:将一种类似袜子的过滤网安装在排水管口,过滤各种垃圾,还大家一条清澈河流 。
For years, the Australian city of Kwinana, just south of Perth in Western Australia, had been battling with waste such as plastic containers, bottles, paper and vegetation discharged into the city's waterways by stormwater drains.
澳大利亚城市奎那那(位于珀斯南部)多年来一直与排入城市水道的垃圾作斗争,如塑料容器、瓶子、纸张和植物等 。
It is a problem not unique to Kwinana, a city of 40,000 people. Cities around the world suffer from the same pollution problem. Last year, the Kwinana council came up with a response and the results were "staggering", said a spokesperson for the council.
不仅奎那那(常住人口4万)受到这一问题困扰,世界各地的城市都面临着同样的污染问题 。去年,奎那那委员会做出回应,结果令人“大吃一惊”,委员会发言人说道 。
In March 2018, nets were fitted to the mouths of two local stormwater drains to trap litter and debris. Within three months, 370 kilograms of rubbish had been collected. The result was so good and the council posted pictures of the nets on its social media page. Since then, the council's post has gathered more than 25 million hits.
2018年3月,我们将滤水网安装在当地的两个排水管上,过滤各种垃圾、残渣 。3个月内,共收集了370公斤垃圾,效果显著 。委员会在其社交媒体主页上发布了滤水网的照片,获得2500万人点赞 。
"We have received inquiries from local government agencies and cities from around the world about the 'sock'," the spokesperson told China Daily.
“奎那那当地政府机构及世界各城市都向我们询问‘滤水袜’的问题,”发言人对《中国日报》说道 。
The Ecosol Net Tech (drain sock) consists of a stainless-steel sleeve extension that is fitted into existing, or new, outlets, and a removable polyethylene net, which, when full of pollutants, disengages during rainfall, effectively eliminating the risk of flooding during peak-flow storms.
Ecosol滤网技术(滤水袜)由不锈钢管(可安装在现有的或新的排水口)和一个可更换的聚乙烯网(装满垃圾后,会在下雨天脱离)组成,有效消除了大暴雨期间洪灾的风险 。
Easily installed into most drainage networks, the unit's simple design has a unique net release mechanism that eliminates any adverse effects when the bag fills during torrential downpours. The drain sock is now a regular feature on stormwater drains around the city. It has also been found to collect much smaller particles, including fine sediments.
滤水网安装简便,其简单的设计具有独特的滤网释放机制,可消除倾盆大雨期间滤网过满所带来的不利影响 。现在,滤水袜已成为城市排水管的特征 。现已证明,滤水网可过滤更小的颗粒,如细沙 。
"Of course, the nets don't capture liquid waste but by capturing solid waste we help protect and minimize the risk to wildlife," the spokesman said. "This efficiency means the return on capital investment will be realized in the short term as well as cleaner reserves, higher efficiency and improved safety outcomes.
“当然,滤水网无法过滤液体垃圾,但过滤固体垃圾也可以帮助我们保护并最大限度的降低野生动物受害的风险,”这位发言人说道 。“滤水网十分高效,这意味着资本投资将在短期内回笼,与此同时,蓄水池将更干净、效率将更高、安全性将更强 。”