There's one thing people are most scared of when it comes to dying - how much pain they will be in at the end. According to members of the UK public, this beats dying alone, and leaving family and friends behind.
临近死亡时,人们最害怕这件事--在痛苦中离世 。据英国民众表示,这比孤独终老、离开家人和朋友还要可怕 。
Two new surveys, carried out for the charity by YouGov, who surveyed 1,878 cancer patients, who surveyed 1,786 members of the general public, revealed the overwhelming result. Over a quarter (28%) of people with cancer and one fifth (20%) of the UK public say dying in pain is their top fear about death.
YouGov为了慈善活动开展了两项新研究,调查了1878名癌症患者和1786名普通大众,研究揭示了这个令人难以置信的结果 。四分之一以上的癌症患者(28%)和五分之一的英国民众表示疼痛难忍的离世是他们对离世的最大恐惧 。
Despite this fear topping the polls, Macmillan Cancer Support says that over 12,000 cancer patients in England each year spend their last 48 hours in pain. Macmillan is urging the government to prioritise care for dying people, and stick to the promises made one year ago, 5 July 2016, in their Commitment to improve end of live care, and repeated in the General Election Manifesto.
虽然人们最害怕痛苦,但迈米伦癌症支援表示,英国每年有12000名癌症患者最终都在痛苦中度过最后的48小时 。迈米伦敦促政府优先照顾将死之人,坚守一年前(2016年7月5日)所作的承诺,他们承诺改善临终护理,并在大选宣言中重复了这一承诺 。
The commitment includes providing high quality, personalised care in all settings, to meet the person's needs and preferences as far as possible. New analysis by Macmillan suggests a strong link between poorly coordinated care and dying in pain.
这份承诺包括在各种情况下提供高质量、个性化的护理,以尽可能满足人们的需求和偏好 。迈米伦的最新分析表明了协调不良的关怀与在痛苦中离世之间有着强烈联系 。
Almost three quarters (72%) of those who felt services didn't work well together when at home had poor pain relief, compared with less than a fifth (19%) who said services definitely did work well together. Nida Tariq, 25, from London lost her mother, 52, to lung cancer in 2014.
约四分之三(72%)的人认为这些服务并不好,在家时他们的痛苦也无法减轻,只有不到五分之一(19%)的人表示这些服务很到位 。来自伦敦的25岁的妮达·塔里克的母亲于2014年患肺癌去世,享年52岁 。
She says: "Mum's chemo treatment made her very ill, and when the cancer spread to her brain, she was in a very bad way. It's hard to put into words how difficult it was seeing her vomiting, suffering seizures, collapsing and in terrible pain.
她说:"化疗使母亲状态很不好,当癌细胞扩散到大脑时,她的状态糟透了 。很难用言语说清看着她呕吐、痉挛、崩溃和极度痛苦时我的内心有多难受 。"
"We did have some care nurses help out, but I was shocked at how they didn't seem to know or care what they were doing to help relieve some of my mum's agony. It was a traumatising experience and something no cancer patient should ever have to go through."
"的确有一些护士帮忙照顾,但看到他们似乎不知道或不关心他们需要做什么来帮助缓解母亲的痛苦时,我感到十分震惊 。真的是令人痛心的经历,任何癌症患者都不该有这样的经历 。"