Uber's COO and CMO are stepping down a month after its IPO
Just a month after its IPO, two members of Uber's C-suite are stepping down, according to CNBC.
CEO Dara Khosrowshahi reportedly sent an email on Friday announcing that Barney Harford, the ride-hailing company's COO, and Rebecca Messina, the CMO, are stepping down. Khosrowshahi wrote that the IPO has "allowed him to be even more involved in the day-to-day operations of Uber's biggest businesses, the core platforms of Rides and Eats."
据报道首席执行官Dara Khosrowshahi周五在一封邮件中宣布这家打车公司的首席运营官Barney Harford和首席营销官Rebecca Messina将离职。Khosrowshahi写道上市“让他更多地参与到了出行和送餐的核心平台的每日运营中了,而这正是Uber最大的业务。”
As a result, he has decided that the heads of those divisions should report directly to him, and that Harford's role as COO "no longer made sense."
Khosrowshahi also made the decision to combine Uber's marketing, communications, and policy team, which resulted in Messina's upcoming departure.
Jill Hazelbaker, previously senior vice president of communication and public policy, will reportedly lead the newly merged team.
曾任沟通与公共政策高级副总裁的Jill Hazelbaker据报道将会带领合并后的团队。