You Work Full Time, Too
That chore gap holds whether women work full time or not. In other words, the second shift is alive in modern homes, despite unprecedented numbers of women working full time. So while men might be taking part in keeping the home running, women are still doing more than the men they live with. This holds whether they're married or have children in the household.
不管女性是否有全职工作,家务分歧总是存在 。换言之,尽管现代家庭中大部分女性都有份全职工作,但女性下班后包办家务的情形依旧存在 。所以尽管男性可能也会做一部分家务,但女性干的活依然更多 。无论双方是否结婚或是否有小孩,这一情况总是成立 。
He Needs to Invest
If your husband isn't cleaning, organizing and caring for children, he's not investing in the cleanliness, organization and development of the kids. Taking ownership over an abundance of the day-to-day tasks means not only taking a bit of weight off your shoulders but also giving more attention to the smaller details around the house. He's not going to let things slide if people are counting on him. Yes, even if it's for folded towels and clean tiles.
如果你的丈夫不打扫卫生、整理房间、照顾小孩,那他就没有在卫生、整理及小孩的发展问题上做出投入 。主动承担日常家务不仅意味着为你减轻负担,还意味着他有留心家中小事 。这说明他不会辜负他人对他的期望 。是的,即便只是叠毛巾和清洁瓷砖 。
This Isn't 1950
We live in the 21st century, a time when men and women seek equal education, opportunities and employment. So why shouldn't things be more evenly split at home? For decades we've known the phrase "the problem that has no name," which is how writer Betty Friedan described the malaise that sets in when women are meant only to nurture. Everyone has their own opinion about what needs to be done around the house and how to do it. Even if your opinion leans toward "as little effort as possible," that doesn't mean you're excused.
我们生活在21世纪,是呼吁男女接受平等教育、机会和就业的时代 。所以,家务事为什么不能平均分配呢?几十年来,我们对"没来由的问题"深有体会,这也是作家贝蒂·弗里丹在描述女性存在的意义就是为了抚养后代时存在的莫名不满感的用句 。每个人对需要做哪些家务活以及如何做家务活都有着自己的看法 。即使你认为应"尽可能的少做,"也不意味着你可以完全不做 。
You Like TV, Too
After a long day of work, your husband says he just wants to relax and watch TV instead of making dinner, bathing the kids or setting the table? Is he the only one who likes TV? Probably not. We all have long, hard days. Whether it was at the office, during a commute, at school or while at home with young kids, everyone likes and deserves TV. Knock out the chores, then collapse on the couch. His hard day isn't harder than your hard day.
工作一整天后,你的丈夫说他只想看电视放松,不想做晚饭,也不想给孩子洗澡或者布置餐桌?难道只有他喜欢看电视吗?也许并不是 。我们都工作了很长时间,都很辛苦 。无论是在办公室、在上下班的路上、在学校或是在家陪小孩,每个人都喜欢看电视,也值得甩开家务活,躺在沙发上享受电视时光 。他的一天很辛苦,难道你的一天不辛苦吗?