There was a new spirit, and yet it was a spirit within a machine.
A much enlarged state apparatus, and the more centralised economy, were the legacy of the great battle for intelligence and coordination.
This time it would not be undone.
And it was the machine, rather than glimpses of workers' control, that inspired Ernest Bevin:
'Calculation of profits and all the other things that have cluttered up progress in the past has to go and the great genius of our managers and technicians is being given full play. ...' It was true.
Unhindered by wasteful competition and by the false economies of public parsimony, the Government Code and Cypher School and the Post Office had proved capable of managing fantastic feats.
Now the development of the electronic computer was being taken over by the National Physical Laboratory for the public good.
It deserved two cheers, as Forster would say, two cheers for managerial socialism.
But management and techniques had not been the whole story, important as they might be.
There had been something else, something now fading away while they waited for the other war to finish.