Salt has its uses: It flavors food, keeps us from dying of a sodium deficiency (rare but real), and, well, that's about it. And that's true whether the salt is white or pink.
盐有其用途:给食物调味,保护我们不必因缺碘而亡(虽罕见,但确有其事),嗯,差不多就是这样了 。无论白盐还是粉盐,用途都是如此 。
Oh but pink salt comes from the Himalayas. That sure sounds exotic, but it's not like it's better just because it comes from somewhere far away. Look, if you think salt lamps are pretty, feel free to enjoy that. If you enjoy the crunchy vibe of meditating inside a room full of salt (and suspending disbelief enough to pretend it is a cave), then go ahead and book a meditation session at one of the artificial salt caves across the US that are lined with pink salt shipped in from other parts of the world. Weird, but you do you.
哦,但粉红盐来自喜马拉雅山 。听起来是不是很吸引人?但不要因为粉红盐源自异国他乡而觉得它更高一等 。瞧瞧,如果您觉得盐灯好看,那就尽情享受 。如果您喜欢在一个充满盐的房间中冥想,享受那种松脆的氛围(摒弃一切杂念,假装自己身处洞穴),那就去做吧,在美国的人造盐洞中报名参加冥想课(这些粉红盐是从其它地方运过来的) 。虽然很怪,但这就是你呀 。
Salt is sodium chloride. We need both sodium and chloride in our bodies, although it's possible to get too much (people with high blood pressure are often told to reduce the sodium levels in their diet).
盐是氯化钠 。人们需要钠和氯,尽管有可能会摄入过多(高血压患者经常被告知需要降低饮食中的钠含量) 。
Salt can have other minerals present in trace amounts. Pink salt gets its color from iron. There's not enough of the iron, or anything else, to significantly change the taste or the health effects of the salt. But iron is good for you! Yes, and you can get it from beef, chicken, lentils, spinach, and other things not imported from the Himalayas.
盐也含有少量的其它矿物质 。粉红盐因为铁元素才呈现粉色 。但铁或其它元素的含量还不足以改变盐本身的味道和健康效果 。但铁元素对人体是有益的!是的,你可以从牛肉、鸡肉、扁豆、菠菜和其它非喜马拉雅山进口的食物中获得铁元素 。
But Himalayan salt has 84 minerals! Yeah, but it's still 98 percent sodium chloride. You know what else has 84 minerals? All the other food you eat. Table salt is bad for your heart! This is a slightly complex issue, but pink salt and regular salt are both salt. If table salt is bad for you, then pink salt is too. Himalayan salt is antibacterial and antifungal! In the sense that nothing will live inside a jar of salt, sure.
但喜马拉雅盐含有84种矿物质!是的,但98%的成分都是氯化钠 。你知道还有什么东西含有84种矿物质吗?你吃的所有其它食物 。精制盐对你的心脏有害!这是一个稍微复杂的问题,但粉红盐和普通盐都是盐 。如果精制盐不利于身体健康,那粉红盐也有存在危害 。喜马拉雅盐具有抗菌和抗真菌效果!因为,任何细菌都无法在盐罐中存活 。
In conclusion, pink salt is salt. Enjoy it if you think it's pretty.
总之,粉红盐也是盐 。如果你觉得好看,就尽情享用吧!