For the last six years, John Bokop and his wife have headed to Florida for at least two weeks during the winter.
"(We just want) to get away from the snow we've been having and the cold weather," he said.
While shorter days and less sunlight can cause cabin fever for some, a portion of the population experiences sadder moods and lower energy levels with the arrival of winter.
The condition is known as seasonal affective disorder, and Mark Richman, assistant director for community mental health at the Delaware Department of Health and Human Services, said it's a type of depression that's triggered by the change in seasons.
"It's ... called winter depression, and it's often linked to changes in light," he said.
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, between 4% and 6% of people in the United States suffer from SAD. Another 10% to 20% may experience a mild form of the condition in late fall or early winter.Symptoms include a loss of energy, loss of interest in favorite activities, anxiety and changes in sleep and appetite, Richman said.
But the condition is treatable, according to Dr. Michael Hurd, a psychotherapist in Ocean View."Take some trips to sunnier and warmer places in winter, plan activities to keep the weeks busy and full, and begin or intensify exercise," he said. "Try to change (your) attitude and look at the good sides to winter and shorter days."
Gina Hall, owner of Energy Gym in Fenwick Island, said visiting a fitness facility can improve someone's mental state. Members make friends, feel good about doing something positive for themselves and get out of the house."There's a positive energy and attitude in the gym," she said.
Those who believe they are affected by SAD should visit a medical professional, Richman said. Ultimately, getting outside and enjoying the sunshine could be the best medicine.
"Everyone gets a little stir-crazy (in the winter)," he said. "That's a normal part of living."