As a place to hibernate while they waited for the war to end, Hanslope enjoyed one special advantage.
The mess officer was Bernard Walsh, the proprietor of Wheeler's, the smart oyster restaurant in Soho.
As if by magic, fresh eggs and partridges found their way on to the Hanslope dining table, while the rest of Britain chomped its way through Woolton pie and reconstituted egg.
These might be supplemented by a rabbit from the copse, or a duck egg from the pond which lay at the bottom of the meadow surrounding the house, and Alan was also able to have the apple that as a rule he would always eat before going to bed.
He would go out for walks or runs round the fields, and might be seen thoughtfully chewing on leaves of grass as he loped along, or perhaps burrowing around for mushrooms.
During the year, a timely Penguin guide to edible and inedible fungi had appeared, of which he made use to bring back amazing specimens for Mrs Lee (who organised the day-to-day catering) to cook for him.
He particularly relished the name of the most poisonous of all, the Death Cap or Amanita phalloides.
He would roll the name off his tongue with glee, and they would all search for it, but they never found a specimen.