This development was not confined to warfare.
In Dublin, Schrodinger was lecturing under the title 'What is Life?', and advancing the conjecture that the information defining a living organism must somehow be encoded in molecular patterns.
In Chicago, two neurologists had read Computable Numbers, and were publishing an idea that connected the definition of the logical machine with the actual physiology of brains.
They had applied Boolean algebra to the properties of nerve-cells.
As Hilbert died at G?ttingen on 14 February 1943, a new kind of applied logic was taking shape.
Against the distant thunder of the east, there were the first glimpses of a post-war science.
This first half-serious, half-joking talk of 'thinking machines' reflected both the immensely wider horizon that the war had opened to science, and the fact that an end at last seemed possible.
By 4 March Alan had completed a report on his suggestions regarding the RCA speech cipher,
and had studied in great detail all the speech systems with which they were working.
The head of the section had expressed concern that Alan might invent something which would create a tangle over patent rights,
but Alan pooh-poohed this, saying that he wanted Bell Telephone to have anything that he thought of.
'Hands across the sea', he said.
But what idea could possibly compare with those he had already handed across the sea, ideas far too important for any patent office to know existed?
From 5 to 12 March he had to spend another week in Washington at the request of the Navy, to look after this side of his mission again.
It was another critical point for the U-boat Enigma, for on 10 March the codebook for the short weather report signals, on which the December breakthrough had been based, was withdrawn.
But the three months of successful decryption had allowed analysts to develop alternative methods in time, and with more than sixty Bombes at Bletchley now.
The change of 10 March was overcome in just nine days.