The figure of 2000 Hz was in fact the one he intended to use, and his encipherment process would start with the speech signal being sampled 4000 times a second.
The Delilah would then have to effect the addition of these sampled speech amplitudes to another stream of key amplitudes.
The addition would be done in modular fashion, meaning that while speech sample amplitude of 0.256 units and key amplitude 0.567 units would be added to give 0.823 units, the addition of 0.768 and 0.845 would give 0.613, not 1.613.
The result of all this would be a train of sharp 'spikes', of heights varying between zero and one unit:
The next problem was that of how to transmit the information of these 'spike' heights to the receiver.
In contrast to the X-system, Alan planned no quantisation of amplitudes here. He wanted to transmit them as directly as possible.
In principle the 'spikes' themselves could be transmitted, but being of such short duration, a few microseconds in fact, they would require a channel which could carry very high frequencies.
No telephone circuit could do this.
To use a telephone channel the information of the 'spikes' would have to be encoded into an audio-frequency signal.
Alan's proposal was to feed each 'spike' into a specially devised electronic circuit with an 'orthogonal' property.
This meant that its response to a spike of unit amplitude would be a wave with unit height after one time interval, and with zero height at every other unit time interval: