By late 1943, the research had been completed.
An inventive telegraph engineer, R.J. Griffith, had been borrowed from Cable and Wireless Ltd to do the detailed design.
The manufacture was now going ahead at Hanslope Park, where Griffith was also at work on the problem of generating the key-tapes automatically, by using electronic random noise.
Hanslope Park, with its web of connections with secret enterprise and electronic cryptographic work, was therefore a natural place for the Turing speech encipherment project to be based.
The Post Office Research Station might have housed it, but it was a great deal further from Bletchley than was Hanslope, which was only ten miles to the north.
It was a rather strange place, strange for its very appearance of being an ordinary military station, with all the accoutrements of military ranks and language.
Quite different from Bletchley Park, where the military had been obliged to adjust to the young Cambridge intelligentsia, here a service mentality was unaffected by the advent of modern technology.
Here there was not a civilian cafeteria but an officers' mess, where framed in passepartout lay the clue, a quotation from Henry V:
The King hath note of all that they intend,
By interception which they dream not of