Alan had already suggested that the principle of the Vocoder, taking samples at ten different frequency levels,
could be applied to an attack on the time-segment permuting type of speech scrambler—perhaps with the idea of recognising the neighbouring segments automatically.
His idea for applying the Vocoder to the RCA multiplying speech cipher was something much more sophisticated, and he said it would require at least a week of computational work to see if it was feasible.
In his second week at Bell Labs he settled down to this work, which involved calculations with Hermite polynomials, and in his third week he had some assistance with the calculations.
But Alan was also involved in a quite separate 'cell', which was devoted to creating the world's first totally unbreakable speech encipherment system.
This was the most advanced work in progress at Bell Labs, and its best guarded secret.
The original goal had been that of finding a way to encipher speech on the Vernam principle, so that if a one-time key were employed, the result would be as unbreakable for speech as it was for telegraph signals.
With this end in view, they had attacked the quite novel problem of representing speech by the discrete 0's and 1's used in a Vernam cipher system.